Monday, November 22, 2004

Life is SHIT

I lost my modem again.. the damn thing wouldnt work for nearly a week and now all of a sudden, its all good.. Now I realized that bloody RM170 Dlink router SUXX!!! now I have a switch and a router which I dont use.. just great.. I think time to do this computer becomes a gateway and connects to the computer downstairs thingy..

other than that.. work was hell.. finally I get to have an off day tommorrow (get to see the lovely Fahmi) after working for a whole 9 days.. supposed to be 10 days but plans were changed. it was busy at work for the first 5 days since everybody wasnt there.. only me and Ida.. nice working but a bit hectic trying to get things done.

As usual the new store has now offically become almost the same as the old store.. I dunno but in the real world.. I cant bloody seem to apply that management text book concept of enthics and all that.. I pretty much so as I damn please and suck up all the bad consequences and enjoy the nice ones.. believe me... there has been a few of the bad consequences...

so basically I really need a sweetheart. yes, I am that desperate. If I dont get one soon.. I might just end up out of a job lol... btw if you haven't been to Sherita's lovely photopages.. then you should.

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