Thursday, December 29, 2005
i am dead busy
if all works well, I will have broadband back in the new year
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Harry Potter : Goblet of Fire SUCKS bigtime!
The characters were too simplified, cedric wasn't portrayed better. Better looking, more charismatic. This guy is hufflepuff's legend, he was their hope, their pride their joy. They didnt show the way hufflepuff ganged up with slytherin against gryffindor. Or the alienation that Potter went through. And where the hell was winky and dobby?
The acting went from ok to bad. I am afraid its going to get much worse. there was no emotion, no chemistry. I seriously doubt the director even read the books.
all in all, I hated the movie. victor was ok but he should have been shorter. Hermoine was really beautiful, but they should've let the frizz show more before.
oh btw, an all friend managed to keep in touch. :) it is times like these that I am glad I kept a blog.
oh ya by the way
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Transgender Wedding Scandal
scary. Yes it is getting scary in the country at the moment. Well... Fuck you bitches. I have been thinking what would I do if I was arrested for being gay. I dont know. and I dont think I will ever know until it happens.. but i think it would be scary...
as for me, I am still out... I AM GAY! but thats not the whole of me. But its a very important part of me. So I say, I will not deny who I am come what may....
bring it on.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Confessions of a Mutual Fund Junkie
I am posting this link here, so that I can hopefully find that article again to print it =)
Friday, November 11, 2005
ARGH! NO upgrade!!
I guess I did piss somebody off. Or maybe they just dont like me. Anyway, I am happy for my good friends who did to get upgraded but I am sad for me. *sigh*
I will be tendering my resignation on December, thats 2 months notice. Which means, my last day at work would coincide with the last day of my contract. I'll be doing Public Mutual full time then...
oh btw, last night was a busy night for me, pergi beraya kat rumah Zuhar jam 7:30pm, lepas tu gi rumah Ujang @ Meru and last rumah Mak Aini di Port Klang. nice and nice, i was stuffed full near the end tho =)
and thanks K.K. for those kind motivating words =)
Sunday, November 06, 2005
life is a sad sad story
Life is really sad. So many things are happening all at once and I can barely cope. You just cant stay on top for an extended time can you? I am growing colder by the day and I don't think I can do anything about it.
Do you realize when your life becomes one of those dull never ending cycles, like kevin spacey's before the weed in American Beauty?
=) I had some good times... yesterday I blew a cute guy I've been chasing for a year. Sex is much more bountiful than last year. *gawd I wish they'd bloody stop playing that sad song at this cybercafe*
anyway... when shall i stop waiting and just do? I hate it sometimes.. I missed the bus that I didnt want to take this morning.
I want to shout and scream in a crowd but I dont want anybody staring.
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Karipap Entrepenur
but still the plan for a karipap shop is still on... If only i have one of those cool digital cameras that other gay bloggers have... then, I can actually show you guys how beautiful my karipaps are LOL... maybe I can sell em on Ebay for much more than RM1 for 3 pcs...
anyway.. selling them at work is only practice, I am gonna sell it infront of a private chinese school nearby for RM 0.40 or RM 0.50 a piece depending on the response... i think it'll have to be RM 0.40 ... muahahahaha...
other than that, I am not bothering to post about the mundane things in my life tho I do wonder why the Mastika Witchhunt didnt include me? hmmm
Happy Deepavali to all Indians Worldwide and Selamat Menyambut Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all muslims.. Minta maaf banyak banyak kalau penulisan hussin ada yg menyakitkan hati.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Friday, October 07, 2005
Damn Busy!!!
However I will try.. in the spirit of a new beginning.
I read a book yesterday entitled Fish! I loved the book. It was actually a business enhancement book compulsory for the upgrading exercise, it was meant for the grade above mine. Read it and loved it nevertheless... It was soo much aligned with what I strongly feel about management and work itself. We must enjoy ourselves at work.
so the four points are Choose Your Attitude, Play, Make Their Day and Be Present. I just wish I know how to implement it in the Unit Trust Business.. But I do know I will be cheerful at work. =) I will choose to be cheerful.
My mom has been making sales left and right lol and I cant seem to get off my butt and do something about it lol... so even though I am not allowed to do this.. If any of my readers wish to invest their finances in an avenue that is safe, professional with reasonable risks for big returns. Please allow me to present to you fully and call me at the phone number in the post below lol.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Unit Trust Consultant
so if u are thinking of saving up for your retirement, just give me a call ok? 019 6434575
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Fancy some music?
so go here and find out.
Personally I dont really go out and buy music.. dunno..
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Iran executes gay teenagers

Boys didn't know sex was "punishable by death"
By OutRage! News Service
I AM SOOO ANGRY!!! How can this happen? They were just fooling around! and they are soo cute! Death? They want Death? I am tempted to give them death.
This is my Declaration!, I will no longer stand, abide nor allow anymore discrimination, abuse, neglect to me or any other gay, lesbian or transgendered in the name of Islam, Christianity, Judaism or any other Religion. Personal experiences are o.k.
And I will flaunt my sexuality like a weapon. You will RUE THIS DAY!!! I will also not stand any glbt who condemns our own kind. IRANIANS, you must declare your allegiance to me or be considered an enemy. I may be a MUSLIM but I am a human being first.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
JUSCO Family Day
I was the mascot for our store "BBK" marching contingent lol and WE WON! first place (i think), hehehehe I was the crazy cow while my staff was the cute tiger lol both costumes bought in Japan for a measly 1000 YEN lol ..... i was bloody exhausted at the end that I drenched myself in water...
but the real fun was because I was actually doing some little business... I was selling peanutz (RM1) and canned drinks(RM1.50) to everybody... we (me and Romor with the help of Simon) were the only staff who did it! lol although we were ridiculed by MANY!! there were quite a few people who were impressed.. lol it was fun.. things went really well and though we were dead tired, it was still fun...
but then it rained ... and it rained... and it rained harder.. still i tried to sell off as many as i can lol ... but things had to be cancelled..
so i made a profit of RM20 yesterday lol but its alright coz we still have 10 cartons of stuff left we can sell.. so now i am not so broke... lets see the accounts
RM 100 = debt owed to Rohaslida
RM 50 = handphone prepaid
RM 150 = credit card payment
which leaves RM50 to use lol ... *sigh* still broke. RM 400 was the starting capital i contributed... i guess i should be grateful that we manage to get that back...
but still we had lots of fun when others were bored to death
I have the last laugh HOHOHOHOHO
Saturday, July 02, 2005
I am broke
I got my washing machine now, and a fridge, small tv. gas cooker and all ( I seem to do a lot of cooking lol ) but i need a bloody bed and sofa... anybody who wants to get rid of their not so dilapitated sofa gimme a call at 019 - 6434575. but it would have to be a donation coz I cant even afford nasi lemak..
why am I broke? well i would probably be alright if i hadnt gotten the genuis idea of making some money on Jusco Family Day which ought to be called military day instead.. anyway, I plan on selling loads of RM 1.50 canned drinks. i still have to rent/buy one of those huge orange coolers to keep ice in...
anyhow I am broke because i want to make money.. oh btw several things happened when i wanted to install my washing machine, 1) i had to dismantle a sink because it wouldnt fit the plug, and the other pipes was too far. 2) the drain was blocked resulting a flood in my kitchen
oh well cheers mates...
Friday, May 27, 2005
OMG!!! MY SISTER WHO I DO NOT WANT TO KNOW, she, came upon this blog and shit hit the fan... she was sooo bloody upset... understandably about the post before this, but more she said, "how could i do this to my mother? couldn't I wait til she died before posting my sordid life on the blog, for the world to see".
i dunno.. i have to admit, I am at fault. I have no excuses..
Do i feel bad? no... in fact, I dont even regret it.. although i am very the stupid one.. konon IT , tapi i made the usual mistakes we all make.. i forgot to delete the history when using her computer.. hmm thats me, malas.
this was thru sms coz I didnt feel like talking..
I asked her to read my blog from the start, to get to know me like she should.. I told her, the me at home was just acting, i never did open up at home, never shared my dreams, my fear, anything.. in fact, when I was studying in INTI and my computer went kaput! and my final project was due, my mother was actually taken aback that I actually asked for help. so basically I told my sister that I wasnt that crazy.
she said no thanks.. she never wants to grace this spot ever again..
last thing i messaged was "ok... nice knowing you" and we have not crossed path again.
now I am not traumatic because my other elder sister who i love to death has known for years, my brother knows too though I never came out to him at all. I think my lil sis has always known. and I know that no matter what, they will always be there (whether i like it or not) lol.
but i like to think that I am giving my eldest sister a few years to cool down. But I aint ashamed of who I am. this is the only way I can even think of to be happy. I am not even happy now, just not bad... but its ok coz I know things could have been much much worse.
I was miserable in school.. so so miserable... why did u guys think i started so young? at 13, for crying out loud, at that age, I should be out skateboarding not sucking old men's dicks. I guess i just wanted escape. To be close. because I realized even back then, that I couldnt ever be close to anybody... the girls i like but are too different, they boys just dont click with me...
and i went to boarding school.. no sex.. well almost none... but i still couldnt buddy with anybody except for fadzlan who everybody made fun of.. he was my best bud there... now dont get me wrong.. the bunch of us went thru alot... i love them to death, tuntung, eju, hilmi, muz, zool, julia, everybody. i just wasnt one of the guys. not that they didnt want me (i think) I just couldnt open up.
it will be years before that magickal 4 years in sabah where i was truly happy... i came out and found such wonderful friends, toy!, Jaime!, collins!, Paciq!, Popon! OMG! i wasnt afraid to me the annoying pervert me and they didnt run away.. they the worst of me and i hope the best of me... and if this is what it takes to find frens like you guys, then life can bring it on.
so there.. I am almost completely out.. I'll let life deal the cards on the final ones who matter..
I am soo sorry if I upset the balance. I am not good at emotions in real life.. at this kind of thing... even now, like over a week after that incident, this is the first time I could say things out.. I am sorry collins, i just couldnt really say it out ... and thanks for being there when i needed u. and sorry it had to come at the time when u needed me.
Friday, May 13, 2005
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Ok lah! I update
at first I malas update and then, so much things happened...
the first major thing is... I bergaduh besar ngan my family, my brother has gone psycho crazy because of all the syabu dia tengah guna and the fact that MAS is firing his ass... so things at home masa tu tense la,.. plus my sister baru gave birth to baby Aleya almost 2 months ago, so dia berpantang kat rumah i.. so bertenggek sekali la husband dia yg jelek itu dan anaknya yg a bit brattish tu..
so dengan perangai anak dia yg bossy+pampered campur dengan suhu rumah yg amat panas tu, dengan dia satu family conquer living room tu (astro mesti ikut citarasa diaorang) dengan abg aku menceceh merapu tak make sense about people looking down on him, maka dengan adanya situasi begini,...
pada harijadi adik saya, ketika tengah makan cake, aku tanya la, "kalau ada ais cream nie mesti sedap kan, makan ngan black forest cake", sister sayang i cakap, "ha'ah syok giler". I sambung balik, "Kak long (sister benci), u tahu tak, masa tu, i makan kat TGI fridays, Chocholate Mud Cake dia sedap giler" and THEN mak i mencelah, "Tu masa tu, bukan sekarang kan? dulu masa makan dengan kengkawan kan?" and then I pun flip la, terus cakap, "Mak, what is wrong with you mom?" "Aiks takkan cakap macam tu pun tak boleh?" "Ye lah, with abg yg tengah giler tu" and then i pergi belakang la tengok kalau ais krim yg dahulu tu ada lagi. (benda nie berlaku dalam sekelip mata, both my sisters, yg i benci tu and yg i sayang tu blur je, tak dengar sangat. i tengok dalam freezer, ice cream takde... so i balik la ke tv.. my sister benci blocking... dia tanya "What did u say to mom? dia menangis tu." "Nothing, she was being so sarcastic" "itu hak dia" and then i walked away, pergi naik atas, tapi sebab i sakit hati sangat, i turun balik cakap, "eh kak long, why dont u just move out? go back home, and bring your brattish son with u" my sister menjerit, "WASI!!!! bungkus semua barang barang kite balik sekarang juga"
and so she moved out of the house back to her place. I pon keluar dari rumah tu, pergi tasek kelana jaya utk redakan perasaan, tapi sebab satu jantan pon tak sangkut, makin tension ada la, so in the end, I pon pindah keluar, now i live in bukit Angkasa, pantai dalam (temporary sementara i cari rumah kat klang)
so basically it was a fucked up week but KLiQ weekend WAS A BLAST!!! BLISS is fucking amazing.. and last night at bar Savaugnh was the best thanks to Popon of course. amazing woman.
so ciao.. sekarang nie takde internet so jarang post la nie
Monday, April 11, 2005
Friday, April 08, 2005
Ulu Yam Eco Tourism
I thoroughly enjoyed myself. There were three cars. First Car: Bapuk, Gigi, Man and Aszmir. Second Car: Hussin (me), Epul and Boy (really hot). Third Car: Joe Apek, Adam
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Secrets oh Secrets
I havent been updating much because of 3 wonderful reasons. 1) I am too lazy 2) I've been busy and lastly 3) My eldest sister just gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Aliya, she is soooo small.... hence, my sis is now living with us and hogging the internet. I dont feel like blogging that much with no privacy around.
oh btw, since we are divulging secrets now: I sorta have a boyfren now and i bought a car MOO!!! lol
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
It was a lazy Sunday night...
*more details when I am bored
Reports have come in from kuala lumpur of tremors felt. significant since it was felt throughout Kuala Lumpur, unlike the Boxing Day Earthquake.
No reports from all over the world so far indicating Tsunamis. At this moment, Asia seems to feel that no tsunamis are going to happen since it would have happened already. lets hope thats true.
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
What kind of blogs do you like?
anyhow he wrote two posts these couple of days that totally blew me away =) for some reason i really liked that post and it made me really like the person who wrote it. anyway i think I'll continue in malay.
Afik punye blog tu, tak pernah I lekat dalam links sini.. tak tau kenapa, mungkin sebab i tak berapa suker blog dia sebelum nie, penuh dengan lirik lirik lagu, informasi, informasi, nice, amusing tapi ntah, I tak fall in love.
and then he wrote something personal.. pasal dia gi balik penang, gaduh2 ngan ayah dia pasai gelang and hp punye bateri lol, post sebelum tu pula memories pasai kat sekolah dulu.. i comment kat situ punyela panjang, i cherita balik pasai kenangan i kat sekolah plak. korang nak baca gi la blog dia..
anyway, guys like Afik, Sherita, Aidil,... i love u guys and thank you for letting me in you life. I memang suka baca pasai personal lives people.. tu yang i sendiri pun tulis benda benda personal.. yg secret and precious tu I tak share coz I am quite a private person tapi yg lain suma i cerita, setengah orang tak suka.. but i like. masa kechik kechik dulu, heck sekarang ni pon sama, setiap kali I lalu rumah orang mesti i terpikir pikir, apa yg diaorang buat ye? macam mana kehidupan diaorang? susah ke? dulu i boleh spend berjam jam dok mengintai orang neighbour kat belakang tu, diaorang bukannyer buat apa2 pon, lepak kat living room, main chess cina ada la..
anyway, I dah mengantuk sangat nie... terlelap seketikat kat line nie tadi.
calo.. thank u bloggers
Monday, March 14, 2005
my job
we have a group of customers we despise. they are called Wholesalers, they come to our store to buy large quantities of cheap promotion items. these items are meant for the general populace and are often sold below costs. These items are meant for our actual customers who come and shop at the store.
these wholesaler would often take advantage of the low price to buy in bulk so that they can sell it back at a big profit. of course this defeats the purpose of us making the price low.. imagine if they bought most of the items on promotion. our actual customers wouldnt be able to buy any because of the limited stock we have.
so all retailers put a limit on these items, 2 per customer and so on. today we have such items, Milo 3 in 1 and Coke can carton. it is limited at 2 per customer per day, which means, it doesnt matter if they buy 2 at a time, each customer is only entitled to buy only two of it, even if he or she comes at a later time.
well today, one such family of wholesalers came by, they always do, consisting of a total of 6 people, including small children...
I got yelled at today when i wouldnt let the cashiers complete their transaction. They were yelling at me in chinese at the top of the lungs and screaming to the other customers how lousy jusco is and other mean, hurtful and basically fucked up. me being the way that I am just ignored everybody, no matter what they said, I just bowed and replied "only 2 per customer per day". guess what, THE FUCKING BITCH threw a packet of Milo at my face. my glasses flew off. fuck man who they fuck do they think they are. well fuck them...
funny thing, I didnt do nothing. i still wont let them pay and i still stood there saying the things that i said earlier, of course I wanted to cry, i wanted to scream and strangle the fucking bitch but i didnt move and didnt change tactics. of course by then, due to the big crowd of onlookers, my assistant manager came. in the end, we let them buy 6 sets(6x2=12) which is 12 of each items.. however, since they already bought 2 sets, that leaves 4 more.
my deputy manager then came by and let them take 2 more sets.
tell me now, HOW FUCKED IS MY JOB? i went back to work after that, even stayed back because i needed to finish a bunch of reports.
Friday, March 11, 2005
a day at work
Thursday, March 10, 2005
Tag Board HELL!
that is all I wanted to say today, a LOT of things have happened lately but I do not feel like penning it all down. rather secretive of late.. Work is great at the moment.
I feel like taking over the Jusco blog. writing all stuff jusco. and since I am rather suicidal of late with my career, spilling all the company's secret does seem like a fun idea WOOF!
*laters dudes...
Monday, March 07, 2005
Akademi Fantasia 3!!

Akademi Fantasia 3, who will be the next superstars? Will it be one of these hopefuls? Maybe, there is no way to tell.
We arrived here at 10:30 am, it is now 5:30pm, and the end is no where in sight. It is now in the mid 400s. Leman and Ram are wearing the numbers 0576 and 0578 respectively. It might be dark when we drive off from here.
From my observations, there seems to be a high numer of possible gay boys here. A huge selection of young gay malays. Hmmm leaves u wondering doesnt it?
Anyhow, this post would probably be published really late since my broadband is once again unoperational. I believe it is the third time the modem was shorted out due to lightning. This time it took my router with it.
That is all for today
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
It was true love after all?
Mary K. Letourneau, the former Burien elementary school teacher who had an illegal intimate relationship with one of her sixth-grade students, plans to wed the man she was convicted of raping.
Letourneau, 43, and Vili Fualaau, 22, plan to wed April 16, according to an online bridal registry.
So if it was love, did it excuse what she did? Were we right to imprison her for 7 years? I don't know. I started having sex at 13, official anal sex, fooled around even younger. and I think I wasnt ready back then, but then, how many of us are really ready for sex and relationships?
*sigh* i think I'll just bumm around till the frustration fizzles over.
Monday, February 14, 2005

graphic provided by pat's web graphics
My boy still havent confirmed if he wants to go on a date with me today =) but I am optimistic. if things go allright, we'll go watch Constantine at KLCC.
Sunday, February 13, 2005
Liquid on Saturdays

we are all at liquid right now. Chris, Trevor, Cj, Jonathan, Warren and even Thuni & Victor. We are all chillin right now, after a hard night of partying. This place was packed.
Neil couldn't make it since he had exams. Jenssen was too tired as usual. Which is typical.
All in all it was great time... With great friends. I even had a long nice drunken chat with Jon about love. As if I'm such an expert.
Saturday, February 12, 2005
That night at Telawi Street Bistro

i am late for work again.... I tell ya, i need a job where they dont
mind u being late.
Anyway, the guy in the picture is called Boy, i dunno whathis real
name is. Anyway he is Nina's younger brother. And Nina works with
Apex, same as Cj. In fact, she was the one who recruited Collins.
Well yesterday, while I was working.. Boy called and i thought he was
gonna be joking and shit so i was answering in a jolly mood. Soon he
was sobbing and crying his heart out. Apparently, he was sad about his
ex-girlfriend. I didn't know what to say, plus i didn't really know
the guy that well having only met him twice before.
Friday, February 11, 2005
Fwd: MoBlogged!

meet Chris K. A hunk of the cutest chinese meat ever! He came over for the Chinese New Year from KK sabah. Yes, not much of the filial son lol.
There is something about Chris that i really like... I dunno wat but maybe its coz he is really nice.
Anyway, last night was the coolest. We had white wine: sauvignon blanc with linguini and chicken white milky sauce thingy. It was really deliioussss. We also had fried chicken
oOoOoOo BTW, Chris isnt dating me! he is dating my other friend! =)
Thursday, February 10, 2005

well... After hours of excruiting tinkering... I am now able to say that i can blog on blogspot by sending an MMS to flickr who then automatically publish it as a post on blogspot. I admit, its not exactly simple but i am now able to post in a very nice style with pictures some more. Honestly, who can satisfactorily blog with the restriction of using less than a couple hundred character. At RM 0.50 per post, the readers had better be satisfied.
Anyhow, the guy in the pic is called Kai, he used to work in the fish dept back in tmn umiversiti. Anyway, i have always fancied him and thru activites that was common back in my wild days.... Well lets just say that i whispered into his ears, "I have tasted you". Which by itself, is allready censored. If u want the hole story, you'll have to wait when I am drunk.
Anyway, a couple days ago, I went to Johor for Bob & Fiza's wedding. Although tiring, it was a good trip. Many interesting things happened.
So the moral of the story here is that this one week past, I've bought a new phone, masturbated somebody and in the process i think made him fall for me. And also i went for a wedding in johore. Hopefully next week, I'll have gotten my car.
I am now going to sleep now of which i am deprived. Gnite
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
Message from work
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
Email via Celcom GSM Short Message Service.
this is a test posting from my new phone, a NOKIA 6820
Friday, February 04, 2005
Do you like?

I met K.K. in Bliss the other day. And he has kept in touch through email.. nice bloke really...
anyhow, he sent me this picture of his tattoo and i quote
i did them in the UK, which was a really cool tattoo shop with this really sexy tattoo artist LOL
i think its quite fetching really, not that I can ever get a tattoo, lol but if i was going to get one, it would be a gecko, in memory of Danny Din Hatt who called me a gecko lol..

or one of a dagger running down the back of my neck... I always dreamed of reciting some incantation and just grabbing it from behind my neck for it would materialize into a real one and just throwing it at opponents during danger. hehehe corny i know but "who knows where dreams come from, they just appear".
so what tattoos do you have or what tattoos do u want to have?
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
Dr. Elisha Staun
I went out on Sunday night with Cj to see the beautiful Dr. Elisha Staun, an amazing women sho i admire for the strength of her heart and will. She is one amazing woman.
we first went to Nasi kandar Pelita which is right across chorus hotel where she stayed... then we had drinks in bliss, which was having blissboys.. I had a blast!!!
that was the first time we went there after the renovation. it was amazing.. they did a good job.. entrance was free before 12am which was successful in creating a crowd before midnight (before, people only arrive well after 1am).
loads of cute guys, loads of drag queens.. some lesbians, some str8 people.
I was dancing with Elisha when I noticed this cute short guy who was dancing really randily lol ... it was later that night when I was dancing alone in the dancefloor when I happened to be dancing near him.. suddenly it became behind him, I got a woodie and HO!!! we were gyrating synchronously with his ass smacked right up to my throbbing dick =) hehehe i guess he must have really felt it coz I wasnt wearing any underwear and he still didnt move away. so i held his waist and from there on, he was mine lol.. and this without speaking a word.. so basically we snogged for several hours that night, Elisha couldnt wait so Cj sent her back to her hotel and supposed to come back later.
all in all he was wearing jocks ... ooo what a bloody turn on =) oh and i met K.K. that night! cheers mate!
Saturday, January 29, 2005
tday was a great day, well it was ok.. but when i was just about to go home, I spotted this REALLY cute guy, he backed up with his trolley and almost ran over this one girl who was holding a baby.. lol I laughed and caught his eye, we smiled at each other...
I was about to leave but seeing as he was sooo irresistable, I decided to take a picture of him on my handy phone so u guys can drool over him.. followed him around and discreetly took a few pics but not that great... anyway, while i was bumming around, pretending to work while i follow him to get a better clearer shot, he asked me if we had Full Cream Milk, I took several more close shots lol
and i tried to help him out, even went out to the backroom to find him the things...
in the end we talked a bit, he said if i wanted free drinks or something just drop by but i said i cant take free drinks or i'll be fired lol ... i caught his name.. Zack =)
and when i got home and plugged the charger to my phone, the phone went bonkers.. damnit!! it kept on restarting and so my pics got deleted.. DAMN!
on another note.. today is the third time I am late for work, yesterday I had to go in the afternoon and go to the meeting.. i ended up going back early. before that I was late (the earlier post).. and today I am late.. I am dead.. seriously
on another note, also when i was about to go home, i got a sermon from the security guard... it wasnt high handed or anything, he was extremely courteous but he advised me to stop being gay, equated alot of religious history as an example.. sucked..
I didnt tell him off and i didnt debate too furiously since, my answers will only agrravate the situation.. so basically I'll let him live in his naive world or I'll woo him to the dark side.. he is cute.
Friday, January 28, 2005
Sunday, January 23, 2005
L:IFE is fucking Fantastic
of course I didnt have any money on me so I bummed my brother RM50 bucks. thank goodness he had some.
I had a BLAST at liquid, sooo many frens were there, so many cute cute people, the hot and sexxy jonathan dance crazy sexxy with me several time lol, tho once when he grinded his behind on me, it did hurt my balls abit lol...
godfrey & boyfren, trevor without boyfren, collins, collin, warren, jonathan, chris & his boss (lol), me, jon, pang, neil was there lol =) there was so many people.. upstairs as usual was packed but downstairs was full too from 1pm onwards some more.. people were grooving like there wasnt tommorow... wished danny, daniel and simon were there!
and work was hectic some more tadi.. and tommorow also the same
Saturday, January 22, 2005
Friday, January 21, 2005
Holy Smokes!!

yep I found this one floating around Buzznet... nope actually he came knocking..
I really like this photo.. nice... plus it has a hidden treasure...
do you see what I see? tell me if u do...
Thursday, January 20, 2005
Do your Family Read your blog?
Parents: have your wee ones discovered your blog yet?
If not, do you live in fear of it?
*shudders* There are some things, your kids must never find out .
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
BlogExplosion? BlogClicker?

What is this? well its basically, a way to get more people to read your blog. I found out on the lovely Jazz'z blog. this is a quote from their site...
Nobody is reading my blog ... Help me!
You spend all night setting up your very own blog, but in short time you realize nobody is coming to read it. You jealously watch the biggest blogs out there getting tons of attention but how can your blog get noticed too?
That's where BlogExplosion comes in to send people to your blog. Imagine getting hundreds or even thousands of other bloggers coming to read your blog every month!
so basically, if you have free time and a blog junkie... just surf thru BlogExplosion.. there are some really quality blogs out there lol
jeng jeng jeng! but beware!! there is a new player in the horizon.. and his name is...

so what is the difference? I dont know.. I currently use BlogClicker so u decide...
The Reformed Pervert might not be so Reformed after all!
Sungguh singkat hub kita rupanya. Xsangka manis bibir mengalahkan touch&go person. Bila hati kita dah terpaut, kau membisu pulak!
damnit!! I hate this... I hate going too fast! i mean if its about sex then, yess.. but for other than that... i like going slow.. i need to go slow. I cannot stand lovey lovey sms after what, 30 minutes of knowing each other...
but i dont want to be cold so I guess I led him on.. damn me. *sigh*
Thursday, January 13, 2005
Just back from Team Building Camp
anyway, the camp was a LOT of fun.. had a nice loooong chat with Jaafar, just like the good ol' days.. but now I am sooo tired and it aches all over. plus i have to work tommorrow morning!
Friday, January 07, 2005
Be Prepared Kuala Lumpur
=) I have just paid the deposit not the downpayment of a Kenari, I would have preferred a Kelisa but since my sister is adamant that it should be something bigger (she is paying the downpayment). Then Kenari it is.. I quite like the damsel... sweet .. tho a plain silver, it will do... for now. I would have preferred a bright fuchsia, purple, orange, pink or even yellow.
however, all is still well.. and my mom insisted on an Auto since she might want to drive it.. Warning to all... Nobody else but me and my mom will be driving that beauty.
Monday, January 03, 2005
Dear Paradox

I apologize for the earlier misunderstanding but please consider that I am using Firefox Mozilla for all my browser needs. Therefore when I say certain pages are not displayed particularly to their maximum effectiveness, then I do so because it is not configured for presentation on Firefox, and probably Opera too.
I propose a toast and a truce =)
To great things happening in the New Year
Saturday, January 01, 2005
but I was counting apples.... 6...7...8...9...10 but hey.. thats my life... what to do .. I had to cancel plans with simone coz 1) my mom was already bitchy with me... 2) I am wayy too tired to do the whole clubbin walk around thing... besides, it seems like they got a place to crash so ... why not..
but regardless.. I had a conversation with my colleague, my manager and 2 of my Management Trainees... we were having dinner at some far place,... 2004 was a very eventful year.. full of bloodshed and pain and suffering, Abu Ghraib, Typhoon, Flood, Tsunami, the thailand muslim massacre, the chechnya school shooting, I cant even remember all the bad things that happened.
So I wish that this New Year will bring about more contentment in the populate... Bush would be less homocidal and muslims less fanatical..
btw.. I met somebody but I dont really like him... I kinda like him but now I dont like him.. unfortunately we already had sex... this is the basis of my feelings
1) he is getting bald.. I mean his hair is falling out.. he is ok when he wears a cap but just plain bad when he doesnt...
2) he suxx at sex... I mean horribly... he uses his teeth (i think unconciously) when sucking dick AND he doesnt like to give head. basically he blows like a girl
so tell me... should I play it cool.. continue whatever it is I thought was gonna do or just plain stop?
p.s. 3) he keeps sending me all these lovey dovey forward sms... and I dont mind so much the lovey dovey but I just PLAIN HATE CHAIN/JUNK/FORWARD SMS/EMAIL.. honestly.. I detest it with my core being. so dont ever SEND me one.