hahahaha gosh its been 2 weeks since my last update! similarly, its been 2 weeks since I was able to check on any blogspot, blogdrive domains.. which means.. I am sorely out of touch with all my fave blogs..
MINTA MAAF!! bukan salah saya . . lol my mother la.. dia x bayar streamyx so hancuss xda internet kat umah... plus kat SHRDC plak, ban access for blogger and blogdrive ... siot je.... and also friendster and myspace.. semua dia block.. nasib baik for wordpress & blogsome & fridae diaorang x block... so terikat kat situ je la.. my 360 page memang i x blog sangat pon...
so thats the story... I have new blogs now lol ...
Normal is Overrated!and
Jom belajar Programming!i actually experimented with blogsome but i like wordpress much better lol ...
anyhow,.. wordpress will be my str8ter public english blog and perv nie multilingua lol or malay blog la....
tue satu berita.. berita tergempar satu lagi... plak, si Arul bodoh tu! aweks dia Zana pregnant pulak... minta minta la cuma scare je.. becoz lambat datang haid... dia minta tolong carikan ubat utk gugurkan kandungan...
now personally, I am pro choice.. i sokong org buat pilihan sendiri sama ada nak simpan atau buang but my own personal choice atau pon pilihan yg saya akan sarankan adalah always to keep it... becoz hidup nie memang macam sial tapi setiap satu aral yg datang tu sure boleh atasi, susah la tapi xkan mati punya... and dapat baby tu best... janji mental mesti kuat.. memang ada cara kalau nak simpan bayi tu...
so anyway.. research punya research... rupanya memang illegal nak buat abortion kat Malaysia nie tapi sesetengah klinik akan buat juga... my sources say that kat JB kalau dah 3 bulan around RM 1k above.. tapi kalau below 9 weeks around RM 400 jer..
this is because for pregnancy under 9 weeks, they can actually abort using medication.. there are these 2 abortion pills that can induce miscarriage.. it will be like a very heavy painful period... of course this varies from person to person la.. u wont even notice the membrane.. cant call it foetus yet coz its so tiny.
anyway,.. after 9 weeks you have to use the vacuum thingy.. so its more expensive.
but of course traditional method was to get the mother to eat lots of pineapples and hot food and hot drinks.. Arul even says that he plans to use magnetic belt.. kalau dia nak guna untuk sebat perut zana... aku lesing dia nanti.. mati mak budak tu nanti..
anhow berita ke 3, Hussin dah dapat kerja lol.. kat ddB lol advertising agency! yea .. pegi interview last week.. twice laks tu.. but cheating sikit la sebab my sister nini yg arrange ngan kawan dia untk interview hussin but still she did tell him if I am unsuitable, not to hire me. anyway. semalam lepas kelas.. parking jer kat rumah tu... Wan Hoong (boss baru) tepon kata dapat... hahah gembiranya tapi dia kata esok kerja .. lol instant beb tapi hussin teringin sangat nak cuti nuzul quran nie sebab kat SHRDC, diaorang set kiteorang ada kelas kan sabtu ahad lepas...
tapi nak wat macam mana? time tulis nie hussin tengah tunggu org lain datang kerja so wan hoong boleh buat briefing sini.. org kat sini boleh dtg lambat becoz semua org kerja lewat mlm... balik lambat tiap tiap hari... hahaha dah la hussin amik paycut .. kerja macam org gila lakz... tapi takpe.. janji puas hati! meja nie kosong je... opis gelap hahaha sorang pon x kenal.. hehehe ackward gaks..
okla.. I sign off dulu bebs!!