Friday, May 18, 2007

Oh Sayang!!!! Phuck Sunday dah nak kena balik dah

Hehehehe my sayang has to work late Tonite. I felt so bad yesterday, I had a training session and it ended up lasting up to 9pm! Shit.. and my sayang was already waiting at the cafe since 7pm. I got out of that boardroom and went straight to my desk. Nak tutup/shutdown komputer je

and guess wat? my boss called me and gave me a bunch of things to do. Actually at first he didnt give that much.. but then after awhile.. he kept on piling on more and more things to do.. In the end I ended up leaving the office almost at 11pm. Boleh?

so I was driving on the back home when I remembered that I had promised to drop my friend off at her place so back I went, nasib baik sempat turn left into Penaga.. I kalau tengah rushing memang and ditimpa bala after bala.. jadi cuai betoi.. so I was supposed to go to the cafe to meet my sayang tapi ter turn left. It almost reflex since its the turning to go back home.

well to cut things short. It was nice last nite.. makin sayang kat my love hohoho jiwang nie.. tapi sedeh coz me so stupid x bagitau awal2 my home line clear, semua org kat JB. Dia x bawa a change of clothes.. so dia xleh stay the nite. Tapi tonite la.. hehehe plan to go Karaoke ngan Cols pon x tahu jadik or not.. tapi i xde duit macam mana? matila.. tgh tunggu Zamri pinjam duit dari boss, kalau x dia xleh bayar balik duit I. Kalau dia x bayar balik.. macam mana i nak balik JB??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haiyoh... berchenta dah skrg. Tahniah u ols, moga chenta berpanjangan.