HAPPY BIRTHDAY my darling baby.
ok so you dont read my blog. Heck, you probably dont even know I have a blog. In time, you'll find out and read on me. I wish you Happy Birthday and I love you very dearly. You've made me happy these past few weeks, even through all the turmoil which I didn't tell you about.
Tonight, let us be merry and celebrate you being alive for the 27th? year. Lets celebrate me having the chance to meet you and love you.
Wahai kekasihku, terima kasih kerana hadir di hidupku. Ku ucapkan Selamat Menyambut Kelahiran Mu. Ku bersyukur kepada Ilahi kerna dapat ku menatap wajah mu dan melihat senyumanmu. Ku amat menyanyangi mu...
Chee wah!!! Jiwang!! Hahaha sapa kata gue ga bisa feelin2?
on to more serious note,....
Yesterday I went to the Gathering for Teo Beng Hock at Kelana Jaya Stadium. It was good but abit anticlimatic. There was alot of people there but not enough. The speeches were the same for most of the speakers. Although some made good points. I am never completely comfortable at political rallys. Its as if sometimes they try too hard to evoke our emotions.
Well I have been angry and sad these past few days. Not for Teo because I didnt know him. But because my beloved country is slowly denigerating to the point where I am ashamed. I am ashamed that we have let this happen. We are ashamed that we accept corruption and abuse. I am ashamed that he had to DIE!!! I will not accept it! Although My baby does not understand why I do the things I do, I must never forget that this is my country and if I dont do something at least, than I have no right to call myself a citizen. No Malaysian would stand by and watch his country be raped by murderers and pillagers.
I know it isnt much but last saturday early morning, I have been on a minor rampage around town with a white spray can. Graffiti you might call it, I drew the outline of Mr. Teo's corpse on the 5th floor of Plaza Masalam. That image I cannot ever forget. And so I commemorate. It was tough. I am by nature, a law abiding citizen. I am not a bad kid. So it was with much fear and apprehension that I vandalized Kuala Lumpur. I had to say it. I had to let it out. I hope you do too. find a way to let your view be known.