Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Oh Berangan nyer!

Call me a dick but I cant help feeling sorry for the bloggers with self proclaimed importance like "future top architect" or even "model in the making".... like sooooooo berangan!! haha kesian sangat .. especially when keadaanye rupa tak seindah khabar. Haha .. but never mind,... nak dekat ramadhan nie x baik kutuk over2 so nak introduce this kid..

nama nyer jime.. you can read his blog at "jime's stry larh! :)" just click on it..

at first I was like hmmm biar betoi.. but his writing style even though very youngish .. is still quite entertaining.. quite cute outlook on life.. so berbaloi gak gi baca...

but as usual la.. budak2 so pemikirang memang x matang.. just enjoy the youthful passion. janji klako.. oh if u are going to read it... this is a tip... "ak" is actually "aku" :D

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Lowest point

Just wanted to say that I've been miserable for 2 weeks now and being broke sure doesnt help.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The government is sooo BUTA I.T.!!

Oh my god!! I was reading the Teoh Beng Hock fan comments on Facebook and somebody said something about gomen buat something kat polls ISA di website Kementerian Dalam Negara.

dulu masa mula2 tue aku ada la gi jugak .. Ramai giler yg anti-ISA around 90% ++ kot.. tapi masuk news somewhere kan.. so apparently the minister marah la kot .. MEMANG x payah censorship since they can manipulate the data.. this is so typical that sedeh sgt ... I gi tgk tadi and guess what? if you vote saying ISA is a draconian law.. dua2 dapat mata HAHAHHAHA i mean it is sooooooooooooooooo fucking obvious,.. BUTA I.T. betol org gomen nie.. at least jgn la buat so obvious buat la time delay.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Kunciku terpatah jua

well semalam I balik lewat.. and while going out.. I boleh tertekan punat kunci pintu tu.. dah tertutup baru I sedar I tertekan benda tue.. so I cuba la nak buka pintu tue dengan kunci.. and kunci tue terpatah!

so now I am stuck in the conference room x leh nak masuk office sebenar.. :(

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Foolin on the Apple

Yea so I somehow couldnt find my power adapter and cable for the laptop so I was stuck using the office Apple.. kinda cool actually heheheh and in the afternoon I fooled around with this one program haha take a look...

HAHA! I got lucky!

and the rest of us.

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Tear Gas Hurts like HELL!

Originally uploaded by split.second™.
Aku baru je balik dari Perhimpunan ANTI ISA tadi. Walaupon kawan2 larang.. sebenarnya x begitu rancang la nak gi coz something happened on friday yg break my spirit..

Anway, I went out around 10am, went to the Clinic in PGRM but they were closed. I then went to the one I went before in Kg Pandan but they were closed too, so I ended up in HKL.. so basically there wasted some precious money. :(

after that, I took a bus to lrt station Titiwangsa and it was there that I decided I wanted to look around Masjid Jamek. So I only bought the ticket to Masjid Jamek.. There was nobody having a demonstration. There were quite a lot of police though.. and a Police lock up truck. I basically just lounged around.. made some friends, his name was Hatta, joined a few conversations.. huhu it was funny.. really funny.. there was no head and so when the Police told everybody to go home, nobody responded they just moved away. It ended up that we were following the police where ever they went. Same case with the Police lock up van, there were quite a crowd surrounding it.

But after solat zohor, it started. Unit Amal was in the mosque getting ready.. lepas ada kekecohan kecil kat luar.. bising2 mungkin polis cuba nak pecahkan group kat masjid nie kot.. tapi apa2 pon adala berjaya mara ke depan sikit.. pastu belom apa2 lagi polis dah tembak tear gas.. Pergh, mula2 aku tgk je asap tue.. tapi! lepas sekejap.. pergh SAKIT gilo! mata... aku pon larik sama macam org lain.. cornar kat sana ke arah bank muamalat, beli ayor kat kedai mamak yg rushing2 tgh nak tutup.. pastu baru teringat pasal depa cakap pasal garam.. so beli tue skali.. Pusing balik .. nak gi balik ke masjid jamek pastu depa kata gi sogo.. Unit amal siap kunci tangan dan jalan/lari dlm satu barisan lagi.. aku cepat2 masuk celah.. so kiteorang ramai giler berarak ke Sogo sambil laung2 slogan.. bab laung "Allahuabakr" tue aku segan sikit la.. coz tadi zohor pon x gi semayang.. apa2 pon kite gi ke Sogo, kat sana ada polis kat tgh jalan.. tapi aku tgk kat hujung jalan sana ada geng Anti ISA gak.. so apa lagi aku ngan org lain terus jerit2 "jalan je" "jalan je" Time tue .. dah la bingit semua org jerik "hidup rakyat" "hidup rakyat" ... tapi last2 walaupon Polis tue usaha halang tapi dia gila ke .. stakat 20 org je nak halang 10,000 last last kite rush.. larik.. si polis nie pon jadik takut dia sorang2 kat tgk.. depa pon berundur...

Lama gak kite boleh berkumpul.. ahli politik siap boleh bagi ceramah2 lagi.. aku rasa macam 100,000 tapi maybe 20,000 kot.. x pon 40,000 tapi ramai siot.. i sendiri x nampak sgt coz panjang tue.. so dah settle kite pon bergerak nak hantar memo ke istana pusing kiri.. and jalan ... tiba2 ada yg suruh berhenti.. wah.. kat depannnnnnnnnnnnn sana.. kat depan DBKL ... polis ramai tgh tunggu ngan water cannon skali. tapi lepas undur dan mara kemudian.. kite teruskan.. pastu mak ai.. water cannon serang.. punya laju dia mara.. kite orng disuruh berundur.. water cannon dtg .. mula2 kena sikit.. aku time tue dah kunci tangan ngan pakcik nie... unit amal nyer org... abis lenjun kena pancut.. mula2 tue orait lagi.. kiteorang jalan je.. sambil kunci tangan .. pastu.. tiba2 air tue masuk mata.. MAK AI!!! PEDIH GILER>.. abg tue tanya boleh tahan x.. aku jawab.. x leh.. pastu kite pon lari macam org lain gi bawah bangunan.. ada satu bangunan kat situ .. kat parking dia.. depa tuang ayor kat mata aku.. aku pon kunyah garam tue .. banyak... pastu ready dah .. lama gak nak pulih balik tapi depa kata kumpul balik kat atas sana so kite pon berkumpul balik.... ready.... tapi pergh... depa tembak gas pemedih mata lak.. banyak giler.. last2 aku larik masuk pertama compleks.. offer gak garam kat org laine.. pastu masuk sikit2.. tapi nampak gaya macam polis tembak gas tue masuk dlm pertama compleks skali.. so aku pon keluar ikut tepi .. yg depan bangunan mara tue.. turun balik ... aku tunggu je kat jalan tue.. tgk je polis... last2 depa undur.. yg lain nie pon ngan aku2 pon naik berang.. caci mencaci .. aku panggil depa "pengkhianat" tapi ada sorang mamat tue kata jgn provokasi.. pastu kite orang berundur sikit bila ada trak2 polis bawa ramai lagi anggota dtg.. ingatkan nak serbu kiteorang..tapi depa pusing kiri.. join kawan2 kat ujung sana..

ada mamat kat depan tue siap baling air botol mineral kosong kat depa bila depa lalu.. ada dua tiga kali la.. polis tue ilang cool., tembak tear gas dari dalam keta ... last2 bila dah macam bosan tue.. tunggu.. suruh kumpul balik ramai yg x .. last2 kiteorang berarak pergi mana ntah.. kiteorang jalan ke mana ntah .. jauh gak... jauh dari tempat polis2 berkumpul.. and last2 rupanyer kat depan ibu pejabat pas.. ramai kat sini.. tapi separuh dari tadi kot... anyway . sini jam giler coz kat tgh ada org sumer tapi kat tepi2 tue keta semua stuck coz jem coz kite halang jalan.. tapi itu sebabnyer polis lambat giler dtg ... coz ada jam .. kot .. water cannon xleh nak jalan.. kite saja je stop bas and keta utk jadik halangan.. tapi last2 kite pon beredar dari situ so i miss la polis sembur bangunan PAS. pergi balik ke Sogo.. ok je.. sampai sana ada yg laung2 lagi.. time nie xde la ramai sgt tapi ramai la jugak.. seberang jalan sana.. seberang polis jaga jalan... ada macam benda.. macam apa. nak kata kostum yg org pakai.. besar.. sorang pegang dari bawah .. sorang kat sayap setiap satu.. sorang pegang kepala.. i rasa nie artistic protest..

tiba polis muncul kat depan .. we all larik.. and time nie i ilang depa.. setengah ke kiri.. kat jalan TAR yg jual2 tue aku ke kanan kat area Jurassic tue... ingatkan nak masuk celah tgh2 .. tapi kat depan tiba2 ada tear gas.. so undur balik ke Sogo.. kat sini plak selamba larik tgh polis .. aku nampak polis gak larik coz water cannon dtg.. sinie memang kecoh.. last2 aku give up.. and blah.. lari gila2 ikut tepi tue.. pastu potong celah kat tempat org niaga2 tue and balik ke masjid jamek..

tunggu kat masjid jamek lama.. ingatkan depa akan kumpul balik.. tapi lepas asar pon x muncul.. sampai polis yg dari tadi tgh bersedia depan masjid pon masuk balik trak..

so after a while i pon jalan kaki ke plaza rakyat since station masjed jamek tutup abis.. i took a bus and balik..