Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The government is sooo BUTA I.T.!!

Oh my god!! I was reading the Teoh Beng Hock fan comments on Facebook and somebody said something about gomen buat something kat polls ISA di website Kementerian Dalam Negara.

dulu masa mula2 tue aku ada la gi jugak .. Ramai giler yg anti-ISA around 90% ++ kot.. tapi masuk news somewhere kan.. so apparently the minister marah la kot .. MEMANG x payah censorship since they can manipulate the data.. this is so typical that sedeh sgt ... I gi tgk tadi and guess what? if you vote saying ISA is a draconian law.. dua2 dapat mata HAHAHHAHA i mean it is sooooooooooooooooo fucking obvious,.. BUTA I.T. betol org gomen nie.. at least jgn la buat so obvious buat la time delay.

1 comment:

EJAY said...

waaa.. u're so sharp man!