dah la kerja macam hanjing.. from 9am to 2am usually.. it seems everything has to control.. I dont think this industry is good for me.. everybody judges u and stuff sheeet.. kununnya hebat la .. ARGH!!!!! plus kena marah ngan boss macam sial! but maintain sabar but I tell you.
I NEED another job!!! I can't stand it anymore! << < drama.. hahaha
it suxx coz i only get paid RM1800 and anybody that even says anything about how ok la tu.. I will fucking slap your face and fuck u with a dildo! . ...
oh sheeet i joined lampe berger oredi huhuhu... make money make money hahaha
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Weekend yg Lumayan?
YESSS!! hahahahah dlm usaha utk mencapai my before 30 resolution "100 boys under 20 before I am 30" Hussin telah berjaya ngap si Afiq kat bawah tue.. hahaha gambar gambar blue akan disiarkan sebentar lagi. Although I have to admit that I wont be posting any gambar blue yg lebeh lebeh.. tu semua ada kat my flickr so hang kalau nak tengok.. join flickr, and message I, nanti i add u la as contacts..
hehehehe.. well ceritanya .. i coba la nak tepon si afiq nie.. tapi 2 hari x dapat.. dia kata handset kat situ la kat sini la.. anyway.. sabtu tu, I gi angkut dia dari taman tun.. nie dah jam berapa time tu.. jam 10pm kot.. anyway.. lepas tu kiteorang gi buat kerja aku.. gi cari mamak yg besor2 and ada tayang game bola.. merata la gi.. last last.. lepas jalan jalan .. siap gi tengok eye kat
titiwangsa lagi.. tempat tu ok la.. ada gaks tarikan nya .. tapi sayang time tu tgh hujan.. but is it the tens of millions it cost? definitely not. Heck we could do soooo much more.
anyway.. time tu dah gersang dah.. tangan kiri dah lama dah merayap and usap2 adik si afiq tue.. hehehe so motif tgh hujan gi Queens Park? heheh cari port le.. sampai je kat Tasek Permaisuri tu.. parking terusssssssssss loi lol.. best!! siap interview lagi.. anyway.. dia jenis kat x sensitive after cumming.. dunno why.. so weird. hehehehe..
anyway.. cerita nya lepas tu i lepak kat tasek kelana jaya.. boleh? lol and shortly after I was joined by wazi, lea and nas. i pon call si Jat suruh dtg.. because dia pon nak jumpa si Lea nie.. semangat tu kiteorang gi tengok cd Miss World, tengok Lea's crowning glory moment =)
anyway, to make this meleret leret story pendek.. esoknya, Arul call.. hehehe nak berbaik semula la nie.. dia minta amek.. aku kata jam 3pm.. dia pon setuju.. padahal 40 mint after 3pm baru i sampai kat ILP.. nak pendekkan cerita.. dia membuat balik drama lama .. aweks dia sampai kat ILP x bagitahu.. so in the end dia pinjam keta amek aweks dia.. kiteorang dah sampai kat umah wazi dah.. i nak tengok Lea menyiapkan diri, tempek makeup. tapi diaorang semua dak gi ke Anugerah Juara Lagu pon si arul nie x sampai2 lagi..
but that night kiteorang 3 org gi la umah nicholas kat klang tu untuk tengok Juara Lagu... dua ekor tu romen dlm toilet. Memang xleh bawa rumah org.. i drop kat zana kat umah dia,.. mahal siot .. flat kecil kat seksyen 20 tu RM500 boleh? cekik darah benor.. buruk plak tu flat nyer..
and i bawa arul balik umah untuk beromen MUAHAHAHHAHA lol at last dapat gaks qualiti seks time ngan arul.. hmm tapi becoz dia dah pancut ngan Zana tadi.. I pon merasa la long lasting power.. siot nak cramp rahang nie tau.. tapi okla..
hehehehe.. well ceritanya .. i coba la nak tepon si afiq nie.. tapi 2 hari x dapat.. dia kata handset kat situ la kat sini la.. anyway.. sabtu tu, I gi angkut dia dari taman tun.. nie dah jam berapa time tu.. jam 10pm kot.. anyway.. lepas tu kiteorang gi buat kerja aku.. gi cari mamak yg besor2 and ada tayang game bola.. merata la gi.. last last.. lepas jalan jalan .. siap gi tengok eye kat
anyway.. time tu dah gersang dah.. tangan kiri dah lama dah merayap and usap2 adik si afiq tue.. hehehe so motif tgh hujan gi Queens Park? heheh cari port le.. sampai je kat Tasek Permaisuri tu.. parking terusssssssssss loi lol.. best!! siap interview lagi.. anyway.. dia jenis kat x sensitive after cumming.. dunno why.. so weird. hehehehe..
anyway.. cerita nya lepas tu i lepak kat tasek kelana jaya.. boleh? lol and shortly after I was joined by wazi, lea and nas. i pon call si Jat suruh dtg.. because dia pon nak jumpa si Lea nie.. semangat tu kiteorang gi tengok cd Miss World, tengok Lea's crowning glory moment =)
anyway, to make this meleret leret story pendek.. esoknya, Arul call.. hehehe nak berbaik semula la nie.. dia minta amek.. aku kata jam 3pm.. dia pon setuju.. padahal 40 mint after 3pm baru i sampai kat ILP.. nak pendekkan cerita.. dia membuat balik drama lama .. aweks dia sampai kat ILP x bagitahu.. so in the end dia pinjam keta amek aweks dia.. kiteorang dah sampai kat umah wazi dah.. i nak tengok Lea menyiapkan diri, tempek makeup. tapi diaorang semua dak gi ke Anugerah Juara Lagu pon si arul nie x sampai2 lagi..
but that night kiteorang 3 org gi la umah nicholas kat klang tu untuk tengok Juara Lagu... dua ekor tu romen dlm toilet. Memang xleh bawa rumah org.. i drop kat zana kat umah dia,.. mahal siot .. flat kecil kat seksyen 20 tu RM500 boleh? cekik darah benor.. buruk plak tu flat nyer..
and i bawa arul balik umah untuk beromen MUAHAHAHHAHA lol at last dapat gaks qualiti seks time ngan arul.. hmm tapi becoz dia dah pancut ngan Zana tadi.. I pon merasa la long lasting power.. siot nak cramp rahang nie tau.. tapi okla..
Friday, January 19, 2007
The pictures were shit so I'm not going to post it.. hmm but I think I'll either fotopage em, or flickr em. Heck, I might even a buzznet em. I dunno which of them 3 to use.. buzznet is limitless but flickr is so damn easy to use and fotopage well.. its good for whole clumps of pictures.. *sigh* oh in case you are new.. the left one with the green shirt is andy, collins is the one in the middle and thats marilyn on the right.
oh back to the story .. at the karaoke, its okla.. not that bad, tho there wasnt any interesting eye candy around. and andy didnt sing that much (sore throat dia kata) and myself lol segan la nak nyanyi.. diaorang kat area lounge! bukan dlm bilik! lol ... siap lagu kiteorang kena curik lagi
Thursday, January 18, 2007
afterwards tegur lagi.. minta kerja ke? hisap rokok kat luar.. dia ada.. then ajak dia gi breakfast.. of course aku ler belanja.. pancing nie.. lol lepas je makan wa pon honest cakap.. i nie gay lol and tgh ngorat dia.. apa macam lol
pendekkan cerita .. dlm kereta i raba2 lol aku rasa dia trauma ke apa dia x protest langsung lol .. of course maybe its my skill meng ayat kot lol..
ingatkan nak angkut balik umah.. my mom ada.. dia x kuar lagi.. so buat arrangement ngan Wazi... lol tapi sayang x leh gi becoz cousin dia nak bawa gi interbiu kat pj old town .. or something like that la.. so siapa ada kerja mahu bagi dia.. sila kan contact i lol .. kat area damansara pj gitu.. wokeh hmmm merasa kot.. lol nie ikut advise si marilyn la nie.. 100 boys below 20 before i turn 30 lol oh ya he is 18 lol =)
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
quittin smokin and frens with abdullah
fancy being frens with the prime minister? Welcome to the world of friendster.com.
I bought a RM17 sheet of 15 nikotin gums today. the small intention was to quit smokin. I tell u now that I am going to quit quittin smokin... those chewing gums taste awful!! lol plus apparently if u can not smoke for 72 hours then u dont need any aids..
lol i've been able to do that for ages... i guess my barrier isnt the physiological withdrawal barrier.. its just psychological.. lol and no way am i dropping my cool frens just not to smoke! TAK NAK??? FUCK U! I NAK! lol oh well
I bought a RM17 sheet of 15 nikotin gums today. the small intention was to quit smokin. I tell u now that I am going to quit quittin smokin... those chewing gums taste awful!! lol plus apparently if u can not smoke for 72 hours then u dont need any aids..
lol i've been able to do that for ages... i guess my barrier isnt the physiological withdrawal barrier.. its just psychological.. lol and no way am i dropping my cool frens just not to smoke! TAK NAK??? FUCK U! I NAK! lol oh well
Midnight Crawl

cannot see anything in the picture kan? becoz semalam i gi tasek permaisuri.. but hey! before u kata i ni gigih.. org baru lepas buat kerja utk opis tahu! so excused la..
Habis kerja jam 11pm gitu.. OSK punye pasal la.. and then terusssssssssssss gi kl, survey 4 mamaks utk one event kiteorang nak propose to client.. mamak yg besar tau! yg tayang game bola! so i ada la phone interview member2 str8 and separa tue.. dapat la list including la kat gombak! org mana tahu nak gi gombak.. anyway.. i gi times sq, pastu danau kota food court, and then baru bandar permaisuri bistro besar gedabak tue..
anyway a short while after ada dua jantan atas motor tu tegur i.. lol si Wan and fren.. hensem gaks syam tu..
last last .. kitorang gi minum and bank to tasek coz wan ada abg tgh tunggu.. diaorang lepak kat gazebo tu macam org xde rumah.. siap ada yg tido lagi..
nak dipendekkan cerita .. since i got kamera.. apa lago.. snap snap pose pose la tgh tgh tasek tgh tgh malam tgh tgh gelap gulita! lol ni hah tengok gambor yg telah di adjust di bawah.. kalau x.. haram jadah x nampak apa pon..
oh ya btw .. ada ke patut my fwen si marilyn tu suruh org update my political blog? masa utk lap bontot pon takde hahaha j/k tahu.. lol ... okla wa coba baca surat khabor.. i know ramai org x puas hati pasal banjir nie.. siot punye kerajaan.. itula org johor.. vote lagi BN 100%.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007
People are in love
well, spent the night at Collins semalam.. read a little bit.. somebody sure is looking forward to somebody coming over lol.. anyway.. I look forward to it too la.. truth be told..
however, as for me... this 1st February, I'll be going to Jakarta for 4 days 3 nights ... lol ticket is bought oredi but the place to stay still dun have.. bloody hell hotels are expensive there.. of course it doesnt help that I nie kedekut nak mampos.. plan utk penginapan less than RM50 a night lol .. so that means Jln Jaksa..
i kalau gi holiday memang scrimp on lodgings... the basic is more than enough for me as i dont plan on staying inside it much.. plus i get to spend my money elsewhere..
masih tgh cari kerja nie.. siot je.. oh and skrg nie aktif/gigih ngan guys4men.. korang click la kat sebelah kanan tu and buat profile.. best juga la.. mostly kebanyakan very friendly, cuma kena ada gambor je ... jgn x bagi gambor udeh.. tu diaorang x suke.. at times i sakit hati gak ngan diaorang.. baru profile bodoh, dah demanding lebeh2..
but that is their right.. right.. yesterday sempat gaks gi briefing dana baru Public Mutual... siapa nak melabur? its dana asia pacific dan dana global.. dua2 balanced fund.. actually i x heran sgt because our islamic local balanced fund gave amazing returns this year..
but enough about that..
I just wanted to write about ANGGA actually hahahah sebab utama i nak gi jakarta is utk bersua ngan Angga.. he is this sweet guy i myspace/YM with.. mula mula benggong2 je.. tapi day by day I miss him lots.. walaupon i menyundel kat sini macam org giler tapi i consider him by online special someone.. so if things work out.. maybe by the time i balik dari jakarta dah takleh nak membohjankan diri..
plus its doesnt help that we are on opposite ends of the sexual experience spectrum lol
but still.. I LOVE U Angga sayang!!! lol sedeh kan? siot je macam budak kecPublishhik cinta cinta internet lol
however, as for me... this 1st February, I'll be going to Jakarta for 4 days 3 nights ... lol ticket is bought oredi but the place to stay still dun have.. bloody hell hotels are expensive there.. of course it doesnt help that I nie kedekut nak mampos.. plan utk penginapan less than RM50 a night lol .. so that means Jln Jaksa..
i kalau gi holiday memang scrimp on lodgings... the basic is more than enough for me as i dont plan on staying inside it much.. plus i get to spend my money elsewhere..
masih tgh cari kerja nie.. siot je.. oh and skrg nie aktif/gigih ngan guys4men.. korang click la kat sebelah kanan tu and buat profile.. best juga la.. mostly kebanyakan very friendly, cuma kena ada gambor je ... jgn x bagi gambor udeh.. tu diaorang x suke.. at times i sakit hati gak ngan diaorang.. baru profile bodoh, dah demanding lebeh2..
but that is their right.. right.. yesterday sempat gaks gi briefing dana baru Public Mutual... siapa nak melabur? its dana asia pacific dan dana global.. dua2 balanced fund.. actually i x heran sgt because our islamic local balanced fund gave amazing returns this year..
but enough about that..
I just wanted to write about ANGGA actually hahahah sebab utama i nak gi jakarta is utk bersua ngan Angga.. he is this sweet guy i myspace/YM with.. mula mula benggong2 je.. tapi day by day I miss him lots.. walaupon i menyundel kat sini macam org giler tapi i consider him by online special someone.. so if things work out.. maybe by the time i balik dari jakarta dah takleh nak membohjankan diri..
plus its doesnt help that we are on opposite ends of the sexual experience spectrum lol
but still.. I LOVE U Angga sayang!!! lol sedeh kan? siot je macam budak kecPublishhik cinta cinta internet lol
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Crazy Week!
This is a loooooooong post. I warned u.
it was crazy.. I left for Kota kinabalu on friday morning. Zamri sent us to Sentral. He is sooo sweet. Of course we had breakfast first at His Office. anyway.. then I went off to LCCT. I was almost freaking late. Anyway, checking in didnt take a long time but I rushed in without buying a book which I wanted to do... oh well.. turns out, inside there, kedai buku xde so nak wat apa?
wait.. wait.. wait.. wait.. then all rushing through the gate, wanting to to pick their seats.. I was cool and collected. then it was time for seating.. chose a spot where got a semi cute guy.. lol I smiled and he smiled back.. KABOOM! after that, a chinese lady was hoo haa with her son, telling him to sit over there.. hahaha kesian,.. so i offered my aisle seat and scooted over to the middle seat (lucky me) so after a while we started talking and before long, I had my hands on his thigh.. the whole flight tangan tu tak bergerak lol.. sembang2 lol masa dah nak landing tu.. tangan tu pon cuba la nak merayap menuju tujuannya tapi dihalang.. sempat dikuis kuis sikit je.. lol tapi best! best sebab kacau budak str8.. nama dia pon orang dah lupa tapi no fon dapat lol.. dia kerja kat sepang.. and dia askar wataniah.. lol feeling "sherita" time tu lol
wokeh drop at KK, call si Toy, bagitahu dia jumpa lepas dia abis kerja.. and then I took the cab and lepak at tempat baru "warisan square" lol times bookstore.. ingatkan besau rupanya kechik je... after which we went to the Loft... dekat saja tue.. minum2 sambil berkenalan ngan Toy punya kawan.. Jimmy was hot as ever.. Chris budak I baru kenal pon comel gaks... and then there was this one older guy yg dtg .. hmmm gatal gaks org tua nie.. lol tapi friendly.. very nice and friendly.. diaorang panggil datuk lol so I pon terbangun la masa time nak introduce diri .. lol terasa macam kroni pulak.. afterwards baru i found out he is a High Court Judge. shit. nasib baik i x buat benda x senonoh... so i lepak ngan toy sampai la kena amik si collins from airport.. tapi malam tu lepas makan pan mee kite gi umah Olivia.. member lama Toy.. rupanya ada party... siap ada bartender tu yg amek order.. what u want lychee martini? mango margarita? sour whiskey? lol tapi sebenarnya nama je glamer.. drinks dia sempoi2. coz the ingredient x meletop.. hehehe but it was cool.. even i pon ada coba buat drink sendiri.. including shake that benda besi tu lol.. plus I ada buat layerd shots of vodka ribena.. setengah jadi, setengah terlalu mixed. oh that night, si ephron, brother si olivia .. I rasa comel gaks.. taste lol plus si dominic, cousin diaorang tu.. most will say he is cuter tapi pada I, dia x memikat sgt tapi becoz he was sooo nice =) i pon syok kat dia!
so setelah saya di angkut oleh collins balik ke rumah dia.. kiteorang kuar balik.. nak jumpa si Andy... cerita pasal andy nie sebenarnya very the interesting.. tapi x leh cerita because melibat kan other people and himself. so for privacy sake.. tak leh cerita la.. anyway.. kiteorang gi Sutera Harbour Pan Pac.. bilik si Trevor.. apparently, dia dah xde umah langsung kat KK.. everytime balik.. dia dok hotel.. besau gilor room dia.. actually suite la! mesti banyak jantan dia dapat.. lepak lepak punya lepak .. kiteorangpon balik ke umah Cols.. Andy pon ikut.. esok paginya patut hussin gi church tengok si Angeline nie kawin.. tapi since cols awal2 dah kata dia xnak gi church.. and plus i pon ngantuk giler.. jadi x jadi la pergi.. instead kiteorang lepak kat umah lol sampai 1:30 .. lepas tu.. si lakhanat Andy tu kena gi kerja.. half day pon half day la.. siot je.. me and cols gi pasar filipino.. dia nak beli brg.. I pon ... ada this one guy tu jaga kedai.. masa tue I dah bosan dah.. barang pon I ada beli for my fwens.. and then i tgh lalu sambil tengok2 bodoh, dia tanya "Nak cari apa?" and I plak terkeluar, "Nak cari Jantan" habis semua orang ketawa lol .. x tahu la sama ada dia str8 ke gay ke dua alam lol anyway I pon kacau la dia lagi..
after that kiteorang gi pasar filipino.. patut nya jumpa si Abg Del nie tapi dia x on handset.. so apa lagi jalan2 la.. alkisahnya berjaya juga jumpa Abg Del atau lebih dikenali sebagai Mahathir Loqman. anyway dia jadi emcee utk event kat situ warisan square.. so kiteorang lepak kat starbucks while he bitched about some bitches models.. yg nak upah lebeh.. so drama la..
but wedding dah dekat so lepas walked him to his hotel.. which was a crappy radius hotel.. me and cols pon bergerak ke Angeline's wedding..
actually post nie sangat panjang sampai kite pon bosan.. nanti je la I sambung..
it was crazy.. I left for Kota kinabalu on friday morning. Zamri sent us to Sentral. He is sooo sweet. Of course we had breakfast first at His Office. anyway.. then I went off to LCCT. I was almost freaking late. Anyway, checking in didnt take a long time but I rushed in without buying a book which I wanted to do... oh well.. turns out, inside there, kedai buku xde so nak wat apa?
wait.. wait.. wait.. wait.. then all rushing through the gate, wanting to to pick their seats.. I was cool and collected. then it was time for seating.. chose a spot where got a semi cute guy.. lol I smiled and he smiled back.. KABOOM! after that, a chinese lady was hoo haa with her son, telling him to sit over there.. hahaha kesian,.. so i offered my aisle seat and scooted over to the middle seat (lucky me) so after a while we started talking and before long, I had my hands on his thigh.. the whole flight tangan tu tak bergerak lol.. sembang2 lol masa dah nak landing tu.. tangan tu pon cuba la nak merayap menuju tujuannya tapi dihalang.. sempat dikuis kuis sikit je.. lol tapi best! best sebab kacau budak str8.. nama dia pon orang dah lupa tapi no fon dapat lol.. dia kerja kat sepang.. and dia askar wataniah.. lol feeling "sherita" time tu lol
wokeh drop at KK, call si Toy, bagitahu dia jumpa lepas dia abis kerja.. and then I took the cab and lepak at tempat baru "warisan square" lol times bookstore.. ingatkan besau rupanya kechik je... after which we went to the Loft... dekat saja tue.. minum2 sambil berkenalan ngan Toy punya kawan.. Jimmy was hot as ever.. Chris budak I baru kenal pon comel gaks... and then there was this one older guy yg dtg .. hmmm gatal gaks org tua nie.. lol tapi friendly.. very nice and friendly.. diaorang panggil datuk lol so I pon terbangun la masa time nak introduce diri .. lol terasa macam kroni pulak.. afterwards baru i found out he is a High Court Judge. shit. nasib baik i x buat benda x senonoh... so i lepak ngan toy sampai la kena amik si collins from airport.. tapi malam tu lepas makan pan mee kite gi umah Olivia.. member lama Toy.. rupanya ada party... siap ada bartender tu yg amek order.. what u want lychee martini? mango margarita? sour whiskey? lol tapi sebenarnya nama je glamer.. drinks dia sempoi2. coz the ingredient x meletop.. hehehe but it was cool.. even i pon ada coba buat drink sendiri.. including shake that benda besi tu lol.. plus I ada buat layerd shots of vodka ribena.. setengah jadi, setengah terlalu mixed. oh that night, si ephron, brother si olivia .. I rasa comel gaks.. taste lol plus si dominic, cousin diaorang tu.. most will say he is cuter tapi pada I, dia x memikat sgt tapi becoz he was sooo nice =) i pon syok kat dia!
so setelah saya di angkut oleh collins balik ke rumah dia.. kiteorang kuar balik.. nak jumpa si Andy... cerita pasal andy nie sebenarnya very the interesting.. tapi x leh cerita because melibat kan other people and himself. so for privacy sake.. tak leh cerita la.. anyway.. kiteorang gi Sutera Harbour Pan Pac.. bilik si Trevor.. apparently, dia dah xde umah langsung kat KK.. everytime balik.. dia dok hotel.. besau gilor room dia.. actually suite la! mesti banyak jantan dia dapat.. lepak lepak punya lepak .. kiteorangpon balik ke umah Cols.. Andy pon ikut.. esok paginya patut hussin gi church tengok si Angeline nie kawin.. tapi since cols awal2 dah kata dia xnak gi church.. and plus i pon ngantuk giler.. jadi x jadi la pergi.. instead kiteorang lepak kat umah lol sampai 1:30 .. lepas tu.. si lakhanat Andy tu kena gi kerja.. half day pon half day la.. siot je.. me and cols gi pasar filipino.. dia nak beli brg.. I pon ... ada this one guy tu jaga kedai.. masa tue I dah bosan dah.. barang pon I ada beli for my fwens.. and then i tgh lalu sambil tengok2 bodoh, dia tanya "Nak cari apa?" and I plak terkeluar, "Nak cari Jantan" habis semua orang ketawa lol .. x tahu la sama ada dia str8 ke gay ke dua alam lol anyway I pon kacau la dia lagi..
after that kiteorang gi pasar filipino.. patut nya jumpa si Abg Del nie tapi dia x on handset.. so apa lagi jalan2 la.. alkisahnya berjaya juga jumpa Abg Del atau lebih dikenali sebagai Mahathir Loqman. anyway dia jadi emcee utk event kat situ warisan square.. so kiteorang lepak kat starbucks while he bitched about some bitches models.. yg nak upah lebeh.. so drama la..
but wedding dah dekat so lepas walked him to his hotel.. which was a crappy radius hotel.. me and cols pon bergerak ke Angeline's wedding..
actually post nie sangat panjang sampai kite pon bosan.. nanti je la I sambung..
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