god .. somebody help ME!!! lol I am becoming str8er by the minute lol .. or rather makin bertobat? hah tolong la ...
but ok I plan on fasting this year. Full month.. and whats more,.. I plan to do it sincerely too lol i mean with the whole niat thingy.. last year was basically just not eating and not drinking from sunrise to sunset. lol this year , it will be fasting.. heck I even take the mandatory hadas shower after jacking off lol havent done that in years...
why am I doing this? I dunno ... after the whole episode with Abg Mie, I just decide to change a bit.. dunno where I am going with this.. I am not stressing myself out or laying out some goals.. I am just slowly moving towards a direction ...
anyway.. i nak gi berbuka so.. thats it for now...
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Monday, September 25, 2006
Public Mutual New Fund.
Well Public Mutual is launching a new fund this september... you can read about it here. Its our first Global Fund and as usual... there will be 1% free units to anybody who invests in this fund during the promotion perios (2 weeks)
Give me a call if you are interested in investing.. minimum is RM1000. 019 6434 575
Give me a call if you are interested in investing.. minimum is RM1000. 019 6434 575
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
I am quite Happy!!!
hahahahaha ... our co-ordinator thingy Mr. Leong gave us a scare earlier on! he said to stay back today... he'll tell us the exam results of our Operating System course lol
so blah blah blah... learned a fair amount of SQL... I was tell Totoyy earlier that I really miss SQL lol can u imagine it? but really I have always enjoyed databases. well.. after hahaha he told us.. everybody failed ! except one person lol and then he wouldnt tell who!! lol in fact he expected everybody to leave.. and then after pestering.. he read out the names and failed in which part, XP or Server 2003.
hehehehe he didn't call out my name.. the damn bugger wont confirm!! siot betoi..
so happy la.. even tho not so sure .. lol
so blah blah blah... learned a fair amount of SQL... I was tell Totoyy earlier that I really miss SQL lol can u imagine it? but really I have always enjoyed databases. well.. after hahaha he told us.. everybody failed ! except one person lol and then he wouldnt tell who!! lol in fact he expected everybody to leave.. and then after pestering.. he read out the names and failed in which part, XP or Server 2003.
hehehehe he didn't call out my name.. the damn bugger wont confirm!! siot betoi..
so happy la.. even tho not so sure .. lol
Sunday, September 17, 2006
HAMPEH!!! tahan seminggu jer

Siot! janji pada diriku sendiri telah dimungkir semalam.. hari sabtu.. siot iman x kuat langsung.. citer detail2 x yah!
Aku gi PD ngan Arul & Zana & Dilo & Panjang.. lol Panjang org ILP baru i kenal.. time tu.. juga.. cuma nak citer.. baru balik nie tadi.. cost nya cuma RM30 seorang tido satu malam.. makan minum x termasuk.. budget giler! disertakan gambor gambor faverate aku untuk di tengok..
utk omputeh.. nie dier translation..
I went to Port Dickson, a beach destination this weekend, where I broke my own promise not to be a bloody slut anymore. Shit I can only last a week? not even! anyway total cost per person (there was 5 of us) is RM30 not including food and drinks.. Its fucking cheap if u ask me!
anyway, here are some of my favorite photos.... nuthing much to tell tho about lazy beach vacations.
(pokewak!! gambor nanti la i selit dari Buzznet.. blogger uploader nie lembab nak mampos)

Friday, September 15, 2006
I've got an exam in 25 minutes.. I should be studying instead I am checking my email and writing this daft post. What the hell am I doing blogging at a time like this?
anyhow, I've got a dastardly plan to communicate silently with my frens through the Terminal Server Manager... look at the pic ...

we've already edited our registries so that there wouldnt be any of those annoying beeps.
anyway.. wish me luck!
anyhow, I've got a dastardly plan to communicate silently with my frens through the Terminal Server Manager... look at the pic ...

we've already edited our registries so that there wouldnt be any of those annoying beeps.
anyway.. wish me luck!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Why Am I Lazy?
well no reason. Just haven't had the mood to blog at all.. Dunno why. Its not a lack of activities.. I still haven't blogged about KK, nor have I told u guys about ILP, or the fact that I have started SLG - Skim Latihan Graduan at SHRDC , yep, I've been hitting the books for over a week..
and "something" My heart has gone chasing after dreams... shit. I knew it was a mistake to go so fast but what to do.. well dia punyer response pon dah lukewarm. nak wat macam mana... oh welll
tapi masalahnyer.. i takde mood langsung.. merajuk for the whole weekend. Cian kat Arul,... and last sunday i gi pahang, Aldrian punye pertunangan.. and that morning i dah buat resolution. I won't be a slut no more. so that means.. there is more than a month of test period lol "ramadhan lor" Yep.. no more casual meaningless sex. No more encounters.. *sigh* I'll be a monk..
yep.. i wonder how long I'll last? But for right now.. thats my decision.. I'll be celibate until I find my first boyfriend. Jangan main2.. hal boyfriend nie.. I very the stringent.. bukan dari segi criteria.. but dari segi..."when exactly in a relationship/encounter do you consider him a boyfriend?" so thats it.. from now on, my best friend besides Collins is my right hand.
oklah tu je... and for siapa2 yg selalu baca my blog tapi x comment.. its orite.. Thank you for reading.. do send me an email tho.. kalau u guys sudi..
and "something" My heart has gone chasing after dreams... shit. I knew it was a mistake to go so fast but what to do.. well dia punyer response pon dah lukewarm. nak wat macam mana... oh welll
tapi masalahnyer.. i takde mood langsung.. merajuk for the whole weekend. Cian kat Arul,... and last sunday i gi pahang, Aldrian punye pertunangan.. and that morning i dah buat resolution. I won't be a slut no more. so that means.. there is more than a month of test period lol "ramadhan lor" Yep.. no more casual meaningless sex. No more encounters.. *sigh* I'll be a monk..
yep.. i wonder how long I'll last? But for right now.. thats my decision.. I'll be celibate until I find my first boyfriend. Jangan main2.. hal boyfriend nie.. I very the stringent.. bukan dari segi criteria.. but dari segi..."when exactly in a relationship/encounter do you consider him a boyfriend?" so thats it.. from now on, my best friend besides Collins is my right hand.
oklah tu je... and for siapa2 yg selalu baca my blog tapi x comment.. its orite.. Thank you for reading.. do send me an email tho.. kalau u guys sudi..
Friday, September 08, 2006
U-Turn on Fines
what the heck? I dont know what the general populace is thinking.. i bet everybody thinks they are the best drivers.. Honestly, do they really think that reckless driving will be solved by fines?
NO! only way to improve the bloody attitudes is to have enforcement! Haul all those reckless drivers who zoom in and out, run red lights and other dangerous activities to Jail! or community service.. Its mostly those bloody expensive cars that drive so fast and blink their headlights and are all impatient that causes accidents.
shiit. I got 3 summons because of didnt bring driving license.. =(
on a side note.. I am very very sad.. I was sooo happy these two days, coz I thought that maybe I found somebody I could settle down with.. Somebody who wont care about my multitude of shortcomings.. tapi nak buat macam mana? dia kata nak kawan jer.. I am sooo sad.. bukan sebab rejection, tu I can accept (even though I try to minimise the risk) tapi sebab i dah get my hopes up... dah berangan dah jadi couple yg solehah.. dah sanggup tinggalkan kegiatan extra curricular dengan str8 boys nie.. dah sanggup stop shopping and touchNgo. I dah siap bersedia belajar semayang, agama dari dia..
tapi nak wat macam mana? thats life right? I still nak try.. mana tahu, a few years down the road, lepas jadi kawan, mungkin dia akan perasan yg I nie xde la teruk sangat. Abg, bagi la hussin peluang. Bagi la apa2 syarat pon, hussin akan cuba jadi orang yg abg boleh sayangi.
cuma i nak luahkan je perasaan sedeh.. walaupon i terima keadaan ini.. yela .. feelings tu xleh deny... anyway.. hussin nak test blogger beta nanti
NO! only way to improve the bloody attitudes is to have enforcement! Haul all those reckless drivers who zoom in and out, run red lights and other dangerous activities to Jail! or community service.. Its mostly those bloody expensive cars that drive so fast and blink their headlights and are all impatient that causes accidents.
shiit. I got 3 summons because of didnt bring driving license.. =(
on a side note.. I am very very sad.. I was sooo happy these two days, coz I thought that maybe I found somebody I could settle down with.. Somebody who wont care about my multitude of shortcomings.. tapi nak buat macam mana? dia kata nak kawan jer.. I am sooo sad.. bukan sebab rejection, tu I can accept (even though I try to minimise the risk) tapi sebab i dah get my hopes up... dah berangan dah jadi couple yg solehah.. dah sanggup tinggalkan kegiatan extra curricular dengan str8 boys nie.. dah sanggup stop shopping and touchNgo. I dah siap bersedia belajar semayang, agama dari dia..
tapi nak wat macam mana? thats life right? I still nak try.. mana tahu, a few years down the road, lepas jadi kawan, mungkin dia akan perasan yg I nie xde la teruk sangat. Abg, bagi la hussin peluang. Bagi la apa2 syarat pon, hussin akan cuba jadi orang yg abg boleh sayangi.
cuma i nak luahkan je perasaan sedeh.. walaupon i terima keadaan ini.. yela .. feelings tu xleh deny... anyway.. hussin nak test blogger beta nanti
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Nurazmiworld: Cool Artist

I was just deleting my tag board when I noticed an old post. The link brought me to one Nur Azmi, an artist of sorts, his works reminded me of my sister and also Hockney. I really liked it..
the guy has even managed to make a book. from what I could see... I like it... so come on guys.. i think i would really like to buy one.. but itu tunggu nanti la bila ada duit lol

Friday, September 01, 2006
Merdeka!! Alamak!
Dalam radio semua sindir... merdeka, merdeka tapi jgn sambut merdeka dengan beromen, maksiat. lol and that was exactly how i celebrated merdeka! lol xde gory details la sebab I rasa macam dah tak senonoh sangat kalau I cerita in detail lol nanti kalau dia baca blog i.. and he x suka.. mesti dia tak nak beromen dah ngan I.
lol anyway... I will tell you that I have teased this guy who worked at the petrol station near my house for quite a while. Everytime I stopped by, I would smile and grin and basically let him know that I want him lol.. plus verbally also.. his usually response would be to recomend one of his other friends. Anyway, Merdeka Eve, I had already made plans to go out with Arul and his girl... But I invited this guy to go too before I picked up Arul & his girl. He couldnt go becoz he hasnt finished work yet.
anyway, cut to the chase, we went to KLCC then Izzat(the guy who worked at the petrol st) called, said to pick him up, becoz LRT xde (motif?) I said ok. but u have to let me suck ur dick. He said ok. So I dropped off Arul & Girlfren at KLCC, dropped off Sofi at Vista Angkasa and picked up Izzat and went back to KLCC. Spent a loooooooong time looking for the fucker Arul because the silly boy couldnt tell the difference between "in front of the screen" and "behind the screen". Fuckin bastard...
afterwards we went to the park area to sit down on the wet grass. At midnite there were no fireworks.. by 11 minutes, we thought there werent going to be any fireworks so the 4 of us got up and left.. When we were at the parking lot.. THEN, fireworks then we couldnt see a bloody thing.
anyway.. I am very tired and fucking lazy...
suffice to say I sucked and got fucked by a 16 year old boy(Izzat) at E-jat's house is the god forsaken Puncak Alam, Sucked a little, fondled his ass and dick and licked some small parts of Arul WHILE he was fingering her you know la under her jeans in broad daylight in my sister's living room. I'll add some obscene pictures later.. lol

btw.. I am too fucking lazy to post about Kota Kinabalu.
lol anyway... I will tell you that I have teased this guy who worked at the petrol station near my house for quite a while. Everytime I stopped by, I would smile and grin and basically let him know that I want him lol.. plus verbally also.. his usually response would be to recomend one of his other friends. Anyway, Merdeka Eve, I had already made plans to go out with Arul and his girl... But I invited this guy to go too before I picked up Arul & his girl. He couldnt go becoz he hasnt finished work yet.
anyway, cut to the chase, we went to KLCC then Izzat(the guy who worked at the petrol st) called, said to pick him up, becoz LRT xde (motif?) I said ok. but u have to let me suck ur dick. He said ok. So I dropped off Arul & Girlfren at KLCC, dropped off Sofi at Vista Angkasa and picked up Izzat and went back to KLCC. Spent a loooooooong time looking for the fucker Arul because the silly boy couldnt tell the difference between "in front of the screen" and "behind the screen". Fuckin bastard...
afterwards we went to the park area to sit down on the wet grass. At midnite there were no fireworks.. by 11 minutes, we thought there werent going to be any fireworks so the 4 of us got up and left.. When we were at the parking lot.. THEN, fireworks then we couldnt see a bloody thing.
anyway.. I am very tired and fucking lazy...
suffice to say I sucked and got fucked by a 16 year old boy(Izzat) at E-jat's house is the god forsaken Puncak Alam, Sucked a little, fondled his ass and dick and licked some small parts of Arul WHILE he was fingering her you know la under her jeans in broad daylight in my sister's living room. I'll add some obscene pictures later.. lol

btw.. I am too fucking lazy to post about Kota Kinabalu.
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