Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sad so sad

I am hopeless. I cant help it. sometime I see images or instances of the idealistics hopes and dreams of young boys regarding love and I..... I just want to puke.. Seriously, I am not a big fan of mushy2 feelings.. I dont think I know how to handle it.

but I am feelin lonely. Been feelin this way for quite a while now.


Anonymous said...

hey ...
fyi , ive been following your blog from time to time and maybe it offered me a glimpse of your life.
i just feel that you're not such a bad guy but definitely misguided.
i do wish that you would just stop the self destructive behaviour /actions and just get back on the right track.
u might be surprised that happiness is only a step away...
i mean , i'm not judging you but Allah will.
i don't care if u wanna take this as a khutbah , i've got loads to do myself but i feel obligated to say something to you as a fellow muslim.
Give Allah a chance to occupy some space in your heart and in your life..
i've had my share of pain and loss and i can personally vouch tou you that the only happiness and solitude you'll get is with your Creator.

Give religion a try....

bRed said...

thanks... if hidayat comes, I terima je.. tapi xde la i nak pergi mengejarnya.. seems a bit superficial to me..

but really thanks. Even my good friends once in a while tegur gak but in a good hearted way la..