Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Why Am I Lazy?

well no reason. Just haven't had the mood to blog at all.. Dunno why. Its not a lack of activities.. I still haven't blogged about KK, nor have I told u guys about ILP, or the fact that I have started SLG - Skim Latihan Graduan at SHRDC , yep, I've been hitting the books for over a week..

and "something" My heart has gone chasing after dreams... shit. I knew it was a mistake to go so fast but what to do.. well dia punyer response pon dah lukewarm. nak wat macam mana... oh welll

tapi masalahnyer.. i takde mood langsung.. merajuk for the whole weekend. Cian kat Arul,... and last sunday i gi pahang, Aldrian punye pertunangan.. and that morning i dah buat resolution. I won't be a slut no more. so that means.. there is more than a month of test period lol "ramadhan lor" Yep.. no more casual meaningless sex. No more encounters.. *sigh* I'll be a monk..

yep.. i wonder how long I'll last? But for right now.. thats my decision.. I'll be celibate until I find my first boyfriend. Jangan main2.. hal boyfriend nie.. I very the stringent.. bukan dari segi criteria.. but dari segi..."when exactly in a relationship/encounter do you consider him a boyfriend?" so thats it.. from now on, my best friend besides Collins is my right hand.

oklah tu je... and for siapa2 yg selalu baca my blog tapi x comment.. its orite.. Thank you for reading.. do send me an email tho.. kalau u guys sudi..


Anonymous said...

Oh.. I am one of ur silent readers..

Makji Esah said...

puasa makan minum hisap rokok,maybe boleh tahan kot..puasa yang tu...emm..posa-posa jugak,tapi at times kena gak dibuka or that air will naik atas batu jemala you..hehehe...salams..

bRed said...

tahan seminggu je.. lol tak senonoh kan?