Friday, January 16, 2009

At kobra klub

It was Zubin's birthday. Fuck, he is the same age as me! both born in 1978. both Capricorn too. Had a blast there.. Andy even sang 2 songs with the Band. They bought 2 towers hahaha.

Later on I went to La Queen alone. Met up with my housemate Im who was out with his new boyfriend and another mate. the friend was super hot hahaha
The Mate was into a guy dancing next to us. Suffice to say we all ended up having drinks at Pelita.. hehehe so lets see who the attendees were... Me, Im, I'm's boyfriend, Yun (hot), the guy Yun was hot after named Khairul, a doctor in Perlis (Totally Hot) and Asun who is studying MATHS.

1 comment:

Santosuke Del Mar said...

ugh now I'm jealous, I wanna go out :(
anyway, hello there ;))