Thursday, May 10, 2007

Congratz to myself!

ok I got a new job. Its not a great job but there is more pay and shorter hours.. no more work until 2 am.. which I've been doing for 2 nights in a row..

Sent in my resignation letter yesterday.. Asked for waiver of notice period but it was denied. Asked for reduction of notice period by 3 freaking days also denied.. I have a fucking asshole of a boss. Ah nevermind la.. he will rot in hell while I chew on lemons in heaven.

*mumbo jumbo* (baca mantera nie) Karma will bite u in the ass! Bitch!

ok la.. enough of that.. I kerja nanti in JB so bai bai la org kl semua.. bai bai orgies (ooops i x ceritakan anything pasal my orgy sessions these last month or 2) hohoho in fact, since I join guys4men tue.. hahaha I've been having alot of sex with alot of cute cute cute cute guys... okla.. xde la banyak.. sorang dua je.. and there is this one totally HOT guy i nak on dengan tapi nak wat macam mana? dia dok ampang and I have no port.. ;( nak gi umah member i yg sorang tue pon i segan plus kena usung dia ke hulu hilir bagai.. ko giler? nak drive gi ampang, then drive balik kj and then drive gi ampang balik?

hmmm tengok la poket macam mana gigih nanti.. nak isi minyak perlu duit apa.

oh back 2 the story? I akan kerja in City Square hohoho tengah tengah bandar.. matila parking n minyak.. if i was still buddy buddy with my sis kan best.. boleh dok umah dia.. and its a call center job.. matila i jadik macam ISIS hohoho.. anyway.. wish me all the best in luck and siapa nak buat appointment jumpa kat JB no hal!!! I nak buat Parti Liberal Universal cawangan Johor

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh ye ke...
