Thursday, December 04, 2008

Unbreak My HEART!!!

ok so the title of this post should be BREAK my FREAKIN cold and frozen HEART!!!!

hahaha that was dramatic but I guess this post should be dramatic. I was reading someone's blog. There was a post there about how he is giving up on love and all that crap. There I was reading and I realized that shit. I wish somebody would break my heart. I would be eternally grateful if somebody would break my heart. It would actually mean that I actually loved somebody. You know, akhirnya hatiku ini pasti telah mengenal cinta.

Apathy is a bitch. Damn, I wish I was jealous, I wish I didn't enjoy sex that much, I wish I'd just freaking say NO!. So yea, I read about heartbreaks and break ups and tears and anguish. I keep thinking, hey AT LEAST, you knew love. Unless it was a cinta sebelah tangan or in England, unrequited love.

In that case, I think........................ LOSER!!!! hahahah just kidding.

So yea, to all those sweet sweet boys, help me find L.O.V.E

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