Wednesday, January 31, 2007



dah la kerja macam hanjing.. from 9am to 2am usually.. it seems everything has to control.. I dont think this industry is good for me.. everybody judges u and stuff sheeet.. kununnya hebat la .. ARGH!!!!! plus kena marah ngan boss macam sial! but maintain sabar but I tell you.

I NEED another job!!! I can't stand it anymore! << < drama.. hahaha

it suxx coz i only get paid RM1800 and anybody that even says anything about how ok la tu.. I will fucking slap your face and fuck u with a dildo! . ...

oh sheeet i joined lampe berger oredi huhuhu... make money make money hahaha


aiskrem_potong said...

hehehe...patience ...patience....

to avoid being slapped, i'm gonna tell you this - it's not worth it. go spread your wings somewhere else :)

Mj said...

everytime i think about how glamer d days were -

i think again how little they pay to push us to the brink of exhaustion

no wonder ppl in yr industry drink.

its not the glamour lifestyle they're goin after, its the stress of having to lick corporate assholes who aren't polite enough to say 'well done, kid' -

move baby.
please i beg u!