Monday, October 27, 2008

Hana on the loose

Oh my gawd... I tell you my niece Hana is a handful. Her mom and I had a meeting with my boss to discuss some artwork that she wants done, so we brought the kids to the Curve. The husband came too but he went off to fetch his little sister from LRT. The baby went with him

Anyway, during the meeting, boy was she fidgety... so I took her jalan2.. she saw these things and immediately went gaga... hahahaha so cute.. terus panjat tue.. no hesitation at all. I had like RM3 on me at the time so no money la to put in the machine..

anyway.. after a while, after she was some other kids make the thing move. She became a little bit violet.. true i tell you.. *whack* the button.. *stomp* the pedal and basically shaking the thing to make it move .. Had to FORCIBLY remove her and bring her back to her mom..

Actually thats not true .. She climbed down and immediately started walking.. I was like confused.. but ok so i ikut her la... after a while I asked where she wanted to go but no answer lama la juga.. Pastu tiba2 nangis.. la... sesat rupanye..


so I bawa dia balik kat mak dia la.. tapi sekejap je dia stay.. Tengah sembang2 nie,... TIBA TIBA dia menonong je keluar dari Dome tue .. jalan sendiri ke mesin2 tue.. Terkejut kiteorang.. apa lagi.. I la yg kena kejar.. This second time, is when I had to FORCIBLY remove her.

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