Monday, October 20, 2008


Holy Crap! Maxis kinda suxxx... Dunno if collins want to stay with maxis or not.. at first we got the ZTE modem and the adapter rosak.. so we plug in the adapter from the wireless router..

ok it can power up... since we wanted to set up a wireless network, I tanya la cols if he had another adapter... got... from the old router.. But failing to realize that there was a voltage difference.. we just hooked it up and SMOKE came out! HAHAHAHAHA i mean .. Freaking SMOKE. We tried again with the proper voltage adapter tapi still no internet.

So I called up maxis and found out its still not activated yet .. even after like 3 hours. okla.. the next day we try again la.... no luck there.. we called up maxis... its activated but it appears the modem oredi rosak.. :(

but now ok oredi we went to TTDI maxis and had it replaced.. :) tapi since we are on the 6th Floor... its like chipsmore.. sekejap ada sekejap xda... so how? letak atas lantai la.. they say Zte modem can only be guranteed up to 5th floor.

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