Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Spring Cleaning?

What the hell am I mopping the floor? Dah nak dekat Raya ke? OMG! haha .. Not only that,.. look at the carpet that I was whacking and look at all the dust that is in the carpet.. seriously scary.. Anyway,...

This was like the day before yesterday. Chester said the parents might be coming and maybe have to bunk in if they cant find a place to stay.. Well, I maybe seorang yg pemalas and bloody messy tapi my mum ada ajar tentang hospitality. So kalau ada guest, especially la parents dia . mesti la kena kemas2 bersih2 kan apa yg patut .. betol x? Even adik pon dikerah kan.. gigih dia bersihkan kipas.. cuma budak benggong tue boleh x buang air lepas mop? ada kat dalam kitchen tadi i tengok..

So gigih nie.. and then i packed up most of my dirty linen and off to my mums place to do the laundry.. tidow sana mlm tue coz i thought the parents are coming mlm tue jugak..

as it turns out no. Parents dia baru je dtg td.. kesian sgt .. flight airasia delay lama giler.. depa dok kat airport je.. kesian sgt.. So skrg nie.. hahah guest dia sumer ada 6 org.. sister dia, mak dia, ayah dia, uncle dia and 2 aunties.. haha Depa sumer tidow luar ruang tamu.. chester pon tidow sana.. macam rumah panjang dah.. i dunno sape tidow bilik dia ,. maybe sister dia and the mum kot.. anyway,.. dlm bilik i plak.. merempat si adik alep, si butang and si izz including yours truly hahaha memang mampat macam sardines...


Sofi Zainuddin said...

whoa! meriah giler jadinye rumah tu hahahahaha ber-orgy kah ramai-ramai? oooppssss laaarrrrriiiiikkkk

Jo'el said...

tu lah aku pun syak lagu tu..confirm punya ni....

bRed said...

Hey!! X tasty ok .. tapi sister dia hot juga


:( ngantuk... bilik tue x berapa sesuai 4 org tidow haha