Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Bela Ikan. future + sekali anak ikan

ok to start the story... I have to start right after I went to Lee Kim's CNY Open House. I went back to work. I know that suxx but what to do.. My colleague who my boss told me to help said the data I gave her was
insufficient. She wants more.. so i ended up researching for the data until 6am. What suxx ass is that I could only substantiate about 4 or 6 of her data.. for like 7-8 hours of work on a SUNDAY!

anyway.. I went home. slept for like 2 hours << BUT it wasnt such a waste of time. Since we were able to ask him questions and all..

previously, I had dinner/supper with my old friend Nizam from Jusco. He works with Maju Ikan now.. anyway.. I had and still do have the hots for him but he oredi kahwin plus he has a child oredi. Still, its fun to flirt.. anyway when i told him about this thingy.. he said I should do Keli because Patin demand fluctuates and tilapia dies easily. Of course he said I should just do cows and lamb/sheep.

Anyway.. I went home... and still I got other work to do lol I had to take photos of giant, c4, tesco, jusco, BHP, petronas mesra, projet 7-11, pharmacies.. and a bunch of others la.. But I was soooo freaking tired.. I went to Wazi's to rehat.. I had an appointment wit Ryan at Shah Alam at 8pm and it was around 5pm or a lil bit earlier. So lazy that I ended up watching Rumour Has It. Which was a pretty good movie! of course I sempat la gi shah alam and also stopped a bit at the BHP on the was to snap snap the pics..

seksyen 19 was a bit hard to find though. anyway to cut the story short.. he gave me a BJ while I fingered him lol.. in the car! a bit tough to find secluded spots though. So basically when ever i am in Shah Alam for watever reason.. I usually would end up in Bandar Baru Klang! lol yep I went to snappy snappy in Jusco Klang.. of course since I still got quite an influence there.. terus terang je I amek gambor.. plus amek gambor with my jambu2 lol .. nakal tetap.. anyway that nite i lepak umah Ridzuan je.. sambil tengok movie Night at the Museum <<

well this last picture is me grabbing somebody hahahahaha .... and there are pictures of my ex colleagues and ex staff and ex jambu2..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I like to rub sum creem too!