Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Metro Driving Academy

Fahmi Sensei
Originally uploaded by husz.
I went for the second half of my L license theory class, it was called the workshop. 5 hours of insanely boring chatter.

However, this means I can start taking actual driving lessons from the delectable Mr. Fahmi. He is my driving instructor, just newly set up his business and now he wants students.. lots of students.. interested? he is damn cute... the photograph doesnt do him justice..,

His office is located in Damansara Perdana but you shouldn't worry about the distance or anything because he'll pick you up and drop you off like an angel boyfriend lol..

you can contact him at 017-603 6989 or email him at fahmirashid@yahoo.com dont be shy now but dont be a prick either so call him about business =)

he is one cool dude, relaxed, funny, interesting and nice. So if you don't have a driving license or know somebody who needs a driving instructor, then give him a call


Francis Ford Faggola said...

Hey. I'm a new reader to ur blog. It's in my favorite list now.

OMG, dude, I went to A Levels with this guy. And yes, I agree, the photo did not do him justice. He's far far prettier in real life and a stand up guy to boot. Not that I know him very well either...

Keep it up!

bRed said...

WOW!! the world really is a small place =D

well spill the beans now Holden.. how was he in college? a lot of girlfriends? is there a chance for ... u know...


trevva said...


I saw the link to this posting on your site in Flickr and I have to say, I am very impressed with how it came out. Very, very snazzy use of Flickr indeed. Good job.