Wednesday, January 19, 2005

The Reformed Pervert might not be so Reformed after all!

Well I received a sms from "that" guy... it goes like this...

Sungguh singkat hub kita rupanya. Xsangka manis bibir mengalahkan touch&go person. Bila hati kita dah terpaut, kau membisu pulak!

damnit!! I hate this... I hate going too fast! i mean if its about sex then, yess.. but for other than that... i like going slow.. i need to go slow. I cannot stand lovey lovey sms after what, 30 minutes of knowing each other...

but i dont want to be cold so I guess I led him on.. damn me. *sigh*


Francis Ford Faggola said...

I'm with you man! Dunno how some people can fall in lurrve in a blink of an eye...

You can't blame yourself, sometimes these people just fall in lust with you even though you were not turning on the charms... I myself had been thru this, I was evil, charmless and mean but the kid still fell hard for me... big sigh...

jazz said...

Ooh, I think this guy came on a bit too strong. Makes u feel smothered. I know I'll run the opp direction if this happens to me.

bRed said...

*sigh* thanks u guys...

this was really making me feel bad... if I was good lookin I could just shrug it off but I am not so I have to really consider every offer that comes my way...

anyway... shahjay,.. you are one of akind lol =) honestly, cyber wise I love u man. (friend friend love!)