Monday, April 02, 2007


well.. the cat is out of the bag.

My mom found out. SHit. I forgot to bring my phone, it was charging and she read the messages.
yep its shit.. my sister just YMed me and told me everything. I dunno maybe I am in shock which I dont think so. Should I be worried? like WHERE THE FUCK am I going to live?

oh well here is the transcript for our conversation...

Hussin Yusof: sheet i left my phone at home
nadlat: YES
nadlat: mak is sooo fucking upset
Hussin Yusof: why?
nadlat: she was sceaming her lungs out at me....
nadlat: cause she read ur smsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
Hussin Yusof: hahaha I am in deep sheet then
nadlat: yes
Hussin Yusof: wat she say?
nadlat: i mean how can u leave ur phone????
nadlat: so many things
Hussin Yusof: it was no batt
Hussin Yusof: so i charged it lat
Hussin Yusof: la
Hussin Yusof: and forgot since I was rushing oredi
nadlat: like if she knew she wouldnt give money to u for road tax
Hussin Yusof: and she was nagging and nagging and nagging
nadlat: cause she doesn't want to contribute to all the mak siat
nadlat: yeah
nadlat: ofcos lah
Hussin Yusof: well she sure can have it back
nadlat: i mean shit lah...why u leave ur phone when u knew got messages lah
nadlat: aiiiioooooooooo
nadlat: and d other phone also got all dat sms's
nadlat: next time i give u charger ok
Hussin Yusof: well nasib baik my old phone mati
Hussin Yusof: that one got gambar some more
nadlat: bring offis
nadlat: wat?????????????????
nadlat: wat>??????????????????
nadlat: wat???????????????????
nadlat: so she must of saw those gambar
Hussin Yusof: its rosak!!
nadlat: she said something....
nadlat: i pretended not to know lah
Hussin Yusof: u cannot start the fucking phone
nadlat: den she said which brother would sell his PENIS
nadlat: aiooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Hussin Yusof: ???
nadlat: i dunno lah
Hussin Yusof: sell penis?
nadlat: dats what she said
nadlat: not penis
Hussin Yusof: hello... that's just my anak ayam
nadlat: she did not say konek
Hussin Yusof: prolly la
nadlat: she said punie or something
Hussin Yusof: *dunno*
nadlat: eee.....what pictures u got der
Hussin Yusof: hohoho all sorts of naked and notty pics
Hussin Yusof: but nobody can buka the phone
Hussin Yusof: rosak ma
nadlat: any naked phone
nadlat: well she on d phone
nadlat: she sayng soo many things
Hussin Yusof: no no naked phone
Hussin Yusof: i dont know what that means
nadlat: she crying
nadlat: she crying x 10000000000
nadlat: was she like this also when she found out about my pregnancy
nadlat: cause i have a feeling she was
Hussin Yusof: i don't know
Hussin Yusof: i only was there during the end part
nadlat: oo wat was the end part of it
nadlat: cause she is saying it like...kamu semua...means u, me and prolly abang
nadlat: but den again her abang dun do maksiat...
Hussin Yusof: yep
nadlat: she doesn't know about when he invited his girlfriends here lah
nadlat: hahahah
nadlat: oops
nadlat: i mean to d house
Hussin Yusof: abg is prolly the lightest offence
Hussin Yusof: hohoho yap
nadlat: cause i always caught him
Hussin Yusof: but even then its like.. ala biasa la lelaki muda
Hussin Yusof: I dun need to catch him one
Hussin Yusof: I KNOW lol
nadlat: yeah....i didn't just catch him once with one girl
nadlat: with many other girls
nadlat: hahahahahah
Hussin Yusof: she still on the phone with u?
nadlat: no she called and hung up on me
nadlat: she said to tell u dis
Hussin Yusof: hmm wat to do ah?
Hussin Yusof: not to go home?
Hussin Yusof: hohohoho sheeet!
Hussin Yusof: what the fuck am i going to do?
nadlat: 1. get out of homosexuality or move out of the house
nadlat: i DUNNO
Hussin Yusof: well we know the answer to no 1
nadlat: u can stay at my house for a while..if u want.....
nadlat: there is only number one
nadlat: she didnt' give u much option
Hussin Yusof: then why the fuck did u use numbering?
nadlat: like me...i had a few options
nadlat: huhuhuhuh
nadlat: hahha
Hussin Yusof: really?
Hussin Yusof: what was the options
nadlat: cause i dunno....
nadlat: so how??????
nadlat: she was crying and cursing
nadlat: and reciting the Quran
nadlat: she saying....latnat di tuhan....bakar dan bakar dan bakar dan bakar
nadlat: as for sins...i kena tumpahan larva
nadlat: like dat lah
Hussin Yusof: and this month is really tight and everything
Hussin Yusof: kena tumpahan larva?
nadlat: ho ho den?????????????????
Hussin Yusof: like watever la.. do what we usually do..
nadlat: yeah sins lah ....unwed mother.....
Hussin Yusof: 1. me move out.
Hussin Yusof: 2. me continue living la..
nadlat: u can choose either
Hussin Yusof: 3. sheet i have to cancel my langkawi trip i think .. but i paid oredi the flight tickets
nadlat: hmmm......yeah.......wat langkawi trip?????
nadlat: when??????????
nadlat: give me d trip
nadlat: hahahahhahah
Hussin Yusof: oh i have a langkawi trip this 7 8 9 10
nadlat: wahhhhhhh
Hussin Yusof: where can! ><<


Nurlea Laurielle said...

Ada some part i was like ROFL sebab the way hang dengan sister hang chat - macam kesial! And I can IMAGINE cemana hampa chat cemana in real life. Gelak japs aku...tapi ade somepart - mek terdiam jap. Like, HAIYOH! Kantoi katanya. Mek pitam!

But Huszie - the way hang chat ngan sister hang pasal kes nih, especially sister hang lah, BUATKAN MEK GELAK instead of kesian! Mati la ayat "She was cursing and reciting quran and all - bakar, bakar dan bakar" apa tah - gelak aku kejap!

Bukan tak kesian. Kesian sangat sebab keadaan pecah lobang had to be that way, tapi sebab cara hang chat ngan sister hang, kuar segala LARVA la, BAKAR DAN BAKAR DAN BAKAR la, dari kesian, buat mek gelak pulak. Sorry.

But then again, hey huszie, take it easy ek... seriously, things will get better nanti... it'll prolly take some time for her to accept tapi trust me, mana ada mak/ bapak nak buang anak ke ape ke, ok? Pa per, I ade, Volksie ade, 5thE ade... kami ade... :)

Nurlea: apa la

Sofi Zainuddin said...

ABANG!!! macam maner la kantoi neh...pasni mesti kene perintah berkurung seumur hidup LOL well I'm sorry for that


aiseh! how the hell...? i pity you, bro! :P

5th_E Taib said...

sabar banyak2 ye Huszie. seriously, i pun tatau nak say apa. Apa2pun, mak tetap mak, nothing cud change that fact. Mula2 memangla lain, resentment etc, but just pray that things wud get better soon. To polis2 akhlak yang dok baca tu, hangpa jangan la hengat, hangpa tu baik sangat pun, sama aje semua, semua human, takde yang perfect tapi boleh dicari perfection itu. At least hang ada kakak hang lagi. Let things cool down first nah, then slow talk and mintak ampun kat ur mom.

Mr K said...

nok bak kata org, pandai2 mane pun simpan akan ade terbongkar gak...anyway, dun worry to much k

bRed said...

matila.. x worried depa kata..

nak bersua muka pon gue tatau nak wat cakap macam mana nie.. belom lagi kena pindah umah punyer pasai.. matila..

Sofi Zainuddin said...

second comment from Sofi: sabar la bang... serius topik ni...tapi nak wat cam mana lagi? nasib baik ur sis sporting tahap dewi kayangan...sofi rasa better ikut cadangan dia jer dulu, stay jer kat umah dia sampai ur mom cool...kalo sofi still stay in shah alam for sure u can stay wif me for while :D

aiskrem_potong said...

whoa dude!!! heavy stuff. be strong ok? and don't do anything that you will regret later.

i'm always very careful about leaving my hp around. and whenever possible, i'll use a gender-neutral name in the phonebook to avoid any possible "problems". guess this piece of advice is no longer useful to u huh? eheh..

all the best ok? you are someone who can see the lighter side of things so i' sure you will be fine. take care!

p.s: i pun gelak guling2 reading the ym conversation. be grateful that u have a sister like that :)

Red Mummy said...

akak pitam!!!

but adik ko sporting.

but akak tetap pitammmmmmmmm

anw, sian mak tu husz - apa2pun, jumpa mak dan pohon ampun dan maaf. segala kesulitan boleh dirunding dan dibualcara but meet mak first and ask for forgiveness first.

x byk sket, mak dah terguris hati.

bRed said...

tue kakak la..

tapi i x rasa i salah... mmm susah sgt rasa.. macam lagu tue

"sorry seems the hardest thing to say"