Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Beware of GOOGLE!!!

I was bumbling about and decided to try Digg. One interesting Digg that I found was about this writer, Kerry Madden who got in trouble with her mother because she wrote an article in the newspaper entitled "9 Tips for Surviving the Holidays at Your Republican Parents' Home". Well long story short, one day her mother decided to try googling her daughter. Voila! She found the link to that particular essay. They are still not talking not talking to each other. you can read about it here

Same thing happened to me but even worse... with my eldest sister. Well almost the same thing. My sister found my blog through my own stupidity but any other member of my family can EASILY find me through Google. Gosh, its scary.

WHY OH WHY DO I INSIST on using my REAL NAME??? No other gay malay blogger does! do they?

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Makji Esah said...

i used my real name...before having the cut short for easy pronounciation reason and Data protection Act. (Sebab I kerja dgn government and most ppl that I referred to are protected) and i applaud you for doing the same.Keep an open mind.

aiskrem_potong said...

no we don't actually... hehehe.

interesting blog! ;P