Thursday, June 17, 2004

Insomniac Nites...

I couldnt sleep.. I went to bed and just couldnt sleep.. keep thinking about my career. and i mean ALOT... i got several plans for my career you see... most of them involving quitting my current job in 1 year and 8 months.

so the first option is that i quit work.. just go to london and find odd jobs there. basically this is not a career option but rather spend 2 years working temp jobs and basically adventuring across europe... sounds rather nice doesnt it?

well second option is go to the British High Consulate and enquire about prospects of working in UK. also, find myself a job at Tesco through their branch here. a bit harder to do than you might think..

the third is basically to work with Tesco Lotus in Phuket. you know why so shut up.

in between now and then i still have several options...

the current plan is to stay where i work in the perishables of Midvalley and get myself transfered back to Johor, in the new store Tebrau. Hopefully i would have been promoted to asst line manager by then.

now while i was vainly trying to sleep i thought that hey since Connie is quitting her job, why dont i take hers? so thats what i decided tonite... i am gonna call up the Merchandising Manager Kak Mary tommorrow and ask if i can take over the seasoning material asst merchandiser post. that means i will be working in HQ, with real office hours lol hahaha tho in retailing that doesnt guarantee much.

basically i dont think perishables agree with me.. i can do the job, i just cant do the job excellently. damn that.. its just that i dont think i have the right temperament. if it was the grocery.. that would be fine...

so thats it,... i still cant sleep

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