Thursday, June 17, 2004

Malays are lazy cows. Ok, make that lazy AND stupid cows.

lovely. just lovely.

i agree with shahjay. This is just sick.

i didnt even bother replying... i just hope enough people link to this thread that one day, when they've all grown up. They'll see how silly they were.


Pike-chan said...

such remarks are so racist... i'm working with a wonderful bunch of Malay colleagues and they r very helpful and very hardworking... been lazy and stupid are totally not true...

Pike-chan said...

aaahh~~ realised my blogger nickname has no relation to my blog.... i'm the Blue Heart blogger... glad u drop a note on ur first visit... thanks for the 'recovery notes' to my dick... hehehehehehe..

awan said...

totally not true, but still some of us do think of that.

bRed said...

OH BTW.. the post wasnt made by me.. i do not agree with those people.. and i do not agree on the statement either.

if you click on the title it brings you to a buletin board thread...

Anonymous said...


Big deal!

While the stupid malays scream and shout, the non-malays quietly dominate the economy of this country.

The malays can keep their special rights and privileges. I don't need it. If this is what having special rights and privileges mean, I would rather be like the non-malays who have nothing but are laughing all the way to the bank.

Malay rights means, if you are Umno malay, you get university seat even you are fool……….that's the right what we are talking about.

Malay rights means, you must be given 5% discount whenever you are buying a new house. No matter how rich you are……….that's the right what we are talking about.

Malay rights means, you must be given shares. Once you got, you can sell it to non-malay and keeps on asking for one after another……….that's the right what we are talking about.

Malay rights means, it's the duty and responsibility of government to keep them feeding with sliver and golden spoon……….The non-malays should not ask anything even the non-malays voted for BN.

Lastly, the malays will never learn anything other than blaming non-malays for their failure.

What malays should realise when they curse Umno is the indubitable truth that despite 30 years of handouts, subsidies, undeserved jobs in the public sector, undeserved overseas scholarships, undeserved places in public education, lavish expenditure of tax payers (mainly non-malays) money on all things Islamic, the state of the malays today is indeed as described, which in short is, pathetic.

Who is to blame? Not Umno or implicitly the Chinese, but malays themselves.

Can you just imagine how primitive they would have been if Umno had not existed, if May 13 had not occurred and if the perversion of the NEP had not transpired?

No race in history has proposed without application, cohesiveness, diligence, hard work and ingenuity.

These words are anathema to malays and so after all the handouts that no other race in the world in the history of mankind has got, they still look rather pathetic.

Pragmatic malays know it and so in Malaysia the Bumis policy will carry on forever, until stopped by forces other than malays.

I long for that day!


bRed said...

you misspelled the word "prospered"

Anonymous said...

This malay pig race is so stupid, that they'd never amount to anything in this world.

This message board has been here for awhile, and if anyone goes back, there is no one message, that talks good about this stupid malay pig race, because everybody knows how stupid, and hateful this malay pig race is all about.

The malay pig will crumble from internal weaknesses and disappear in era of globalization……….no need for others to colonize them.

Because malay pig like to be parasites and feed on the Chinese's income tax!

Wait until the malay pig population increases to 90% in Malaysia, the same ratio as in Indonesia, then you will know the meaning of poor, as there will be too many malay pig to subsidize.

Then the economy collapses.

The malay pig are actually digging their own grave..…...and they are trying to dig a deeper and bigger one now.…...

But all of them I have to see are being manipulated by certain top malay politicians so they will support them........

That shows that the general malay pig are quite stupid and can't think outside the box..…....

Only 1% of the malay pig can make it and they are the exceptions. If malay pig are not stupid, what are they?

If all malay pig jump into sea and all die.

This world will become very very beautiful.

bRed said...

dude, your english grammer is really horrible.. I'd be ashamed if I was you.

Anonymous said...

The damage has been done. As long as the culprit still has the power to rule the country, there are no second thoughts of returning back here. For vacations maybe, but even that will be full with hesitations.

To be honest, if dissatisfied people in this country have sufficient financial terms and non heavy commitments, I can bet every single one of them would have left this cursed land long time ago.

I just wonder if all the non-malays are financially independent and just stayed at home enjoying life. The country under the "supreme" ruling of the malays and the outdated worthless NEP system, will crush itself like a 500 pound bitch humping on an dying 100 years old guy.

Soon, the globe will be spread with Chinese!
They will be the ones who contribute to the progress of the host country.

They will be accepted,
by their host country.


the malay politicians will still be using:

Special Rights

to tie their own countrymen down just to continue voting for them.

Some malay intellectuals will probably follow the footsteps of the Chinese.

The recalcitrants will be left behind to continue being (had) by the malay politicians.

bRed said...

gee thanks for improving your english. It doesnt matter whether you are malay, indian, chinese or whatever. It doesnt even matter about the NEP, non NEP, white supremacy, English networking, protectionism, secularism or even homophobia.

You are what you make of this world. And you sir, have just made this world hateful.

I choose live in honesty. You choose to live in hatred. I will not erase your comments but I do implore you not to visit my blog again, dearr anonymous sir.

Anonymous said...


I dont agree with the slogan 'malays are lazy', what you guys should say is 'majority of malays in malaysia are fucking lazy'.


Anonymous said...

not all malays are lazy. those typical ones are. but some are very nice and humble. i am a malay myself. dont anyone of you dare say i jual luar. those who jual luar are the nice malays who dont respect themselves and end up joining the whatever skinheads or punks and just intimidating people all the way. i get bullied a lot by malays in my school cause i dont socialize their way. their way is saying, uncivilised = humble and intimidating = friendly. and those who are shy are snobs. this is very very stupid. they only have one way of thinking. they are totally brainwashed by american shows. they dont even understand those shows. they watch it to be call. arghh..

im not making a racist comment. my two close friends are nice, humble malays.

Unknown said...

>husz said...
> dude, your english grammer is
>really horrible.. I'd be ashamed if
>I was you.

It's English grammar, not "grammer". I'm ashamed of you.

bRed said...

oOo my bad.. notices some other mistakes as well.. oh well..

thnx trader